SYNOPSIS: Sometimes the journey takes us to “the wall.” The proverbial wall is a place that our faith rarely anticipates, but it can become the place where our faith is strengthened the most. You see, the best part of our walk with God is not what he does for us, as glorious as that may be; it is what he does in us! And the faith, humility, trust, and dependence that God desires to develop within us—all the qualities of Christ-likeness—we discover at the wall of adversity. God produced those characteristics of greatness in all of the greats at the wall—Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Elijah, Job, Daniel, Paul, and others. Why should you be any different? So, I’ll see you at the wall!

Moments With God // Focus: Psalm 74:9
We are given no miraculous signs; no prophets are left, and none of us knows how long this will be.
“God, it seems like you’ve left me high and dry!” That is the essence of this psalm. Have you ever talked to God like the writer of Psalm 74 did? I have! I am not talking about being disrespectful, but I am talking about being desperate.
There have been times of desperation in my life—when a loved one far too young to die was on her death-bed, when a conflict arose that seemed to have no resolution, when a financial need was staring me in the eyes and I had absolutely no answer for it; when an attack came from out of nowhere that just sucked the life out of me—and to be frank, I felt all alone. Overrun with fear, anxiety, and hopelessness, life from my clouded human perspective made it seem as if God was nowhere to be found.
You have had those moments, too. And if we dared to be brutally honest with God, we said something to the effect, “God, where are you? You are really letting me down on this one!” Or worse!
Well, if you are having second thoughts about your unfiltered prayer to God, don’t fret. Jesus had a moment like that, too: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46)
Perhaps your desperate cry to God has been more general—like the one in this particular verse. Your holy discontent has led you to prayerfully complain to God that he never seems to show up in his power and glory, with signs, wonders, and miracles, as he did in days of old—and there seems to be no indication that he will anytime soon. You are desperate for God, but he doesn’t seem desperate for you.
The writer of this psalm most likely penned this prayerful lament after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. The Jews were deported to Babylon, the Holy Land had been overrun and defiled by pagans, and God’s people were in a bad way—with no end in sight. Worst of all, God was silent—he wasn’t acting (“no miracles”), he wasn’t talking (“no prophets”) and there was no game plan except for more of the same (“we don’t know how long this will be”).
So the psalmist poured out his complaint—which is always a good thing. And even though it wasn’t in this psalm, God did give his people some profound advice (I guess his advice is always profound since, after all, he is God) through a prophet that served around the same time as the palmist. His words are recorded in Jeremiah 29:1-23. I hope you will take the time to read them.
Of course, this passage contains the verse that everyone loves: “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11) But read the context. God is, in essence, saying to them, “this difficult time is going to take a while—and yes, I will see you through it—but in the meantime, bloom where I’ve planted you. Even though you don’t hear me or see me, I am still at work. I’m doing my part, so you do your part by staying faithful and useful to me.”
Here’s the deal: You see, the best part of our walk with God is not what he does for us, as glorious as that may be; it is what he does in us! And the faith, humility, trust, and dependence that God desires to develop within us—all the qualities of Christ-likeness—we discover at the wall of adversity. God produced those characteristics of greatness in all of the greats at the wall—Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Elijah, Job, Daniel, Paul, and others. Why should you be any different?
So, I’ll see you at the wall!