God, Give Me A Super-Abundant New Year

An Audacious Prayer For Starting 2019

You are launching into a new year. You can slip into it quietly, or you can burst into it bigly. If your desire is to rise above your pain this year—your history, your constraints, your character—then lift it to God. If your goal is God’s uncommon blessing in your life this year, dare to ask him for it. If your dream is to seize new territory this year—spiritual, financial, relational abundance—ask God to bring it under your span of control. Just pray—bigly. God may just grant your request for a super-abundant 2019!

A Simple Prayer for God to Bless Me Bigly:

God, bless me bigly in 2019. In whatever I set out to do, grant me divine success—a lot of it! Cause your presence to go before me and let your hand be upon me. Keep me from being harmed and keep me from causing pain. Increase my Kingdom impact. I pray this for your glory alone. Amen.

God, Reignite My Love For You

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Like the love of a husband and wife that grows cold through the years, as a believer, you can grow cold in your love for the Lord. It’s not like you hate God, or are angry with him. It’s not even that you ignore him, are indifferent to him, or are not even doing things for him. You just have not kept your passionate love for him as the number one priority of your life. The truth is, God wants your heart more than anything else—more than your head, what you know about him, and your hands, what you do for him. He pleadingly says to you, “Do you love me more than these?”

A Simple Prayer To Love God Like I Did At First:

God, I do love you. But I have taken you for granted. I have often been more engaged in doing for you than in loving you. Please forgive me, and give me the grace to remember how pure and right and fulfilling it was for me when you first rescued me from spiritual darkness and eternal death With the help of your Holy Spirit, I will keep my love for you as the first and highest priority of my life.

God, Everything Thing I Do, I Do For You

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

What if you did everything for one week as if you were doing it for Jesus? What do you think would happen? Do you think your life, and the lives of people who interact with you, would be different? Better? Changed for the good? The quick and easy answer is yes, you, others and the world would be better by miles!

A Simple Prayer for Giving It My Best Shot:

God, in everything I do this week, I will give it my best shot. I will love you more freely, encourage others more fully, fulfill your purposes more diligently, and work at all times more excellently. I will do it for you, because it is you I am serving.

God, I Want Your Will – Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

The greatest, safest, most satisfying place in the world to be is in the very center of God’s will. So get there – and stay there – even in the midst of those circumstances that, from a human perspective, seem contrary to the will of a good and loving Heavenly Father. Learn to pray, early and often, earnestly and obediently, what Jesus prayed: “Father, not my will, but yours be done!”

A Simple Prayer for God’s Will:

God, not my will, but your will be done. That is what I need, and this is what I want. Give me your will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Amen.

God, I’m Stepping Out In Faith To Honor You

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

If my life is now hidden with Christ in God, as Colossians 3:3 tells me, then that means God is already out in front of me, he is above me lovingly watching my every move, he is behind me, guarding my back, and he is underneath me, ready to catch me if I fall. Why would I not then step out in faith to risk great things for him? Why wouldn’t I honor him with that kind of trust in his watchful care over all my ways? There is no reason not to, so I think I will!

A Simple Prayer To Step Out In Faith:

God, give me a willing heart and a bold determination to step out in faith like never before. Help me to truly believe that since you are for me, none can stand against me. Infuse me with Holy Spirit courage to expect great things from you and attempt great things for you. With your help, today I will offer you risky trust, and let you do the rest.

God, Make Sense of My Senseless Prayers

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Do you ever feel inadequate to come before a holy God in prayer? Have you witnessed prayer warriors interceding with such ease that it intimidates you because you could certainly never pray like that? Do you ever run out of words when you pray? When it comes to prayer, do you feel as Ringo Star once sang, “it don’t come easy.” Guess what! That’s okay! When I don’t know how to pray or what to pray or feel so incredibly inadequate to pray, the Holy Spirit dwelling within me does the praying for me. He takes my inarticulate, jumbled thoughts and raises them to the Father above, making perfect sense of the things that are running through my mind and burdening my heart. My prayers don’t have to be smooth, they don’t have to have perfect grammatical structure, they don’t even have to make sense. They just need to come from a heart that is crying out for the Father’s best in my life, and the indwelling Spirit does the rest.

A Simple Prayer to Pray Powerfully:

God, through the indwelling presence of your Holy Spirit, take my inarticulate thoughts, my unclear mind, my annoying insecurities about being good enough in prayer, perfect them and bring them near to your heart. Turn my feeble efforts to pray into mountain moving prayers. As I offer what’s in my heart to you, I will thank you in advance for turning them into that which glorifies you.

God, Thanks for Saving Me

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Religion is complex; Christianity is simple. Religion is about what you have to do; Christianity is about what God has done! Religion requires you to sacrifice to appease your god; Christianity required God to sacrifice his Son to appease himself. In religion, you pay; in Christianity, Jesus paid it all. Religious faith is about works; Christian faith is about belief. Religion leads to death; Christianity leads to life. Need I say more?

A Simple Prayer of Eternal Gratitude:

God, thank you for your mercy—you didn’t give me what I deserved. Thank you for your grace—you gave me what I didn’t deserve. You didn’t give me hell; you gave me heaven. Thank you for making it easy for me by making it hard on Jesus. Thank you for Christianity, thank you for Jesus, thank you for you! I will be forever grateful.