God, Help Me to Get Off My Spiritual Duff

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

The writer of Proverbs used some pretty strong language in describing a lazy person. In the various Bible translations, he pictures a lazy-bones as someone who commits vandalism (The Message), a troublemaker (Contemporary English Version), one who commits suicide (Amplified), a destructive personality (Good News), and a great waster (21st Century King James). He is not simply someone who has a little issue with diligence, he’s got a major league problem with Creator God! The Bible says he is as bad as someone who destroys something valuable—perhaps because he is destroying the opportunities that God has placed before him to steward his talents, to produce beauty, to add value to this world, and to leverage his one and only life into something that glorifies the Creator.

A Simple Prayer for Getting Off My Spiritual Duff:

God, help me today to do everything in my power to take advantage of everything you’ve done in your power to make me a fully empowered child of the King!

God, Open My Eyes to the Unseen Realm

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

William Shakespeare wrote, “Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won.” But faith calls you to step into the victory that God has already won on your behalf. You see, when you have the Lord in your life, you are never alone—you are not even in the minority. You plus God always equals a majority! Ask God to open your eyes to the spiritual realm around you, for there you will see that the Lord of hosts is fighting your battles for you. You are on the winning team, so you have no reason to doubt, nothing to fear! What are you battling today? The Lord has put all of heaven at your disposal; His ministering spirits will fight on your behalf, for the battle is the Lord’s!

A Simple Prayer for Spiritual Confidence:

God, open my eyes to the unseen realm. Help me to see that you are there. May I not to give into fear, but rather, may I step out in faith. Give me a glimpse into the supernatural realm where I can see that all of my battles belong to you, that you have assigned your ministering spirits to fight on my behalf. And may I face every enemy with renewed and unshakeable confidence that you. O Lord, have already granted me victory in each battle.

God, Give Me A Baptism of Clear Seeing

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

A higher perspective is the key to sustaining the joy of the Lord through the ups and downs you will experience in life. The Apostle Paul wrote his letter of joy—Philippians—during a four-year stint in a Roman jail awaiting trial. Imprisonment wasn’t prison for Paul; it was a platform for proclaiming Christ to an unexpected crowd: the Praetorian guards who watch over him 24/7, the Roman court that hear his case, and even those in the household of Nero Caesar, some of whom came to know Christ. Paul leveraged his limitations. And so can you if you learn to see advantage in your disadvantages. If you do, your detour through unpleasant territory will become a doorway to joy.

A Simple Prayer for Clear Seeing:

God, you are good—all the time. Even in the dark times, you are there, working out your sovereign plan. Give me greater grace to trust you in those difficult moments, and grant me a baptism of clear seeing that I might envision through faith the unparalleled beauty, wisdom and power of what you are working out in me, for me and through me.

God, Give Me Industrial Strength Courage

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Everybody wants a testimony—not too many are willing to pay the price to get it! Shammah, one of King David’s three mightiest men, was the exception. He stood his ground when no one else thought that would be the wise thing to do. He fought when everybody else fled. He risked his life when the odds were not in his favor. He reached down into his reservoir of courage when there was no outside encouragement. And through this one man standing his ground in the middle of a field against a Philistine army, God brought about a great victory for Israel—and a testimony was born. Where do you need to stand your ground today? Maybe this is your day to write a great testimony!

A Simple Prayer for Heroic Faith:

God, today I want you to use me to bring about a great victory. I want to stand firm against enemy attack. I was to be fearless in the face of every foe. I want to hold my ground and defend the territory that is rightfully mine as a child of God. Like Shammah, I pray that you will give me the courage to stand my ground in the middle of my field against my Philistines and fight. Please give me the resolve to live heroic faith today—and through my courage, cause a testimony to be born!

God, Make Me A Source Of Joy

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

King David prayed, “May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy.” This is what I want of my life—that those who know the Lord will find me a source for their joy. I want to so live my life that it is said of me, “he followed the Lord’s commands. He was a man of the Word.” What greater use of a life can there be!

A Simple Prayer for Infectious Joy:

God, you made me; you are my creator. So I pray that you would now create in me a driving passion to follow your commands and to live by your Word. Transform my life so completely that others would find a cause for joy in me. May believers see the goodness of God in me and may unbelievers find something so attractive in me that they will be drawn to you. Lord, I want to use my life to serve you, to honor you, to bring you pleasure, and to cause great glory to be given to you by those who observe my life. Use me for that purpose, I pray.

God, Make Me Distinctly Yours

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Being in the world but not of it is perhaps the Christian’s greatest challenge. But that is our calling, and the Holy Spirit indwells us for the precise reason of giving us the wisdom and power to live as God’s distinct people—redemptively different. And when we resolve to stand out for God, God will stand up for us!

A Simple Prayer for a Distinct Life:

God, make me different from the world. You have called me to come out from the unbelievers and be separate from them. You have also said that while I am in the world, I am not to be of it. That gets fuzzy for me sometimes, and because of the strong pull of this present age, it is always a hard thing. Please give me the boldness and resolve to be distinctly yours, and the wisdom to know when and how I should do that. Through the way I live my life, cause me to attract attention to you.

God, I Need You—ASAP!

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Do you ever feel guilty about the brevity of your praying? Do you feel like you’re short-changing God by shooting up “quickie prayers.” Let me relieve your guilt: Whether they are long or short, God loves heartfelt prayers. A “quickie prayer” is still a prayer, so just pray it, and let God be God.

A Simple Prayer for Immediate Help:

God, at this very moment I am in deep trouble. I am facing challenges that will quickly overcome me without your immediate intervention. So I offer up a quick prayer for your help. I don’t know what to do, but you do. So I call upon you in my distress. And in advance, I thank you for your ASAP help.