God, Give Me A Baptism of Clear Seeing

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

A higher perspective is the key to sustaining the joy of the Lord through the ups and downs you will experience in life. The Apostle Paul wrote his letter of joy—Philippians—during a four-year stint in a Roman jail awaiting trial. Imprisonment wasn’t prison for Paul; it was a platform for proclaiming Christ to an unexpected crowd: the Praetorian guards who watch over him 24/7, the Roman court that hear his case, and even those in the household of Nero Caesar, some of whom came to know Christ. Paul leveraged his limitations. And so can you if you learn to see advantage in your disadvantages. If you do, your detour through unpleasant territory will become a doorway to joy.

A Simple Prayer for Clear Seeing:

God, you are good—all the time. Even in the dark times, you are there, working out your sovereign plan. Give me greater grace to trust you in those difficult moments, and grant me a baptism of clear seeing that I might envision through faith the unparalleled beauty, wisdom and power of what you are working out in me, for me and through me.

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