Are You Ready?

Your Answer Awaits The Most Important Question Of All

The question of when and the details of how the end will come that so many people are focused on, though interesting, are not nearly as important as this one overriding issue: Are you watching, and are you ready? As John Frederick Boyes said, “It is vain to be always looking toward the future and never acting toward it.”

The Journey: Matthew 24:42-43

So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.

Forty years ago, singer-songwriter Barry McGuire sang a song called, “Eve of Destruction.” Today, a lot of people think McGuire was dead on—that we are on the eve of destruction! Given conditions around the world, can Planet Earth as we know it continue much longer? Can the human race survive? Are we living in the end times?

Wars, rumors of war, global warming, the real possibility of pandemic, drug-resistant disease, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, the inexorable march toward a one-world government, the increase of evil, the rising tide of Islam, instability and unpredictability in the Middle East, escalating hostility toward Israel, increasing intolerance of Christianity, and the alarming surge of rage and violence that is being directed at believers!

Sounds like a nightly news program on CNN or Fox News, doesn’t it? Yet it is right off the pages of scripture. The fact is, 2,000 years ago Jesus predicted these very things that are happening today in Matthew 24 when he said, “So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!” (v. 33)

For very good reason, interest in the end times is at an all-time high! Just look at the unbelievable success of the wildly popular “Left Behind” series—100 million copies sold. People want to know the future! And that’s not bad since we’re going to spend a long time there!

History is hurtling toward a conclusion—one that God has already ordained and foretold in the Bible. It could be soon—it could be today, or tonight, or this week, or it could be another thousand years from now. But no matter when, as the Bible says, God is not slow in fulfilling his Word—Jesus is coming back!

So what are you to do in response to that? Jesus twice said, “Watch and be ready for my coming.” (Verses 42,44) Jesus didn’t talk about the future just to get a crowd or to fill his disciples’ brains with prophetic minutiae. His purpose wasn’t to get them so hyped and overly focused on the second coming that they dropped everything to wait for his return. It wasn’t to make them so heavenly minded they were no earthly good.

Here’s the deal: Jesus’ prophetic sermon wasn’t meant just to clue us in, but to clean us up! He said these things to provoke us to purity! The Apostle John, who knew a fair amount about the end times—he wrote a book to which all other prophetic books combined don’t hold a candle, the Revelations—spoke of our hope in Christ’s return this way:

This hope makes us keep ourselves holy, just as Christ is holy. (1 John 3:3, CEV)

So the question of when and the details of how the end will come that so many people are focused on, though interesting, are not nearly as important as this one overriding issue: Are you watching, and are you ready? As John Frederick Boyes said, “It is vain to be always looking toward the future and never acting toward it.”

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, I long for the appearing of your Son. I ask, that by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, that this longing will grow increasingly intense as the end nears. I want to be one who is found watching and ready when Jesus returns..

Proof of Life

The Empty Tomb Still Can’t Be Explained Away

The resurrection of Jesus isn’t just a nice little sidebar to the Easter story, it is central and essential to authentic Christian faith. That is why skeptics, scoffers and Satanic forces have tried to explain it away for two thousand years. However, you and I can be confident that the resurrection is not just some myth perpetuated by fanatical followers, it is the truth. How do we know that? There is proof of life!

The Journey: Matthew 28:11-15

Some of the guards went into the city and told the leading priests what had happened. A meeting with the elders was called, and they decided to give the soldiers a large bribe. They told the soldiers, “You must say, ‘Jesus’ disciples came during the night while we were sleeping, and they stole his body.’ … So the guards accepted the bribe and said what they were told to say. Their story spread widely among the Jews, and they still tell it today.

The resurrection of Jesus isn’t just a nice little sidebar to the Easter story, it is central and essential to authentic Christian faith. That is why skeptics, scoffers and Satanic forces have tried to explain it away for two thousand years. However, you and I can be confident that the resurrection is not just some myth perpetuated by fanatical followers, it is the truth. How do we know that? There is proof of life!

To begin with, there is an amazing amount of physical proof. In Matthew’s resurrection account, the Jewish leaders went to great lengths to prevent a story about this dead Messiah magically rising from the grave, so they sealed the tomb and posted a guard unit. The initial evidence that a resurrection occurred was the broken seal, which, if tampered with, carried severe consequences under Roman law. So frightened by this broken seal and the empty tomb was the battle-hardened Roman guard unit that they deserted their post—an act punishable by death.

In Mark’s Gospel, the evidence shows the large stone over the tomb’s entrance had been moved. Mark 16 says the three women who came to anoint Jesus’ body were concerned about how the stone—typically weighing between three to four thousand pounds according to archaeologists—would got rolled back from the tomb. Some Bible scholars suggest that the wording of the Greek text in Mark indicates that this stone wasn’t just rolled to one side, it was literally picked up and carried away—amazing proof that something supernatural had happened.

In Luke’s account, yet another physical proof is the empty tomb itself. All anyone had to do to disprove this story was show a body in a tomb. Produce a dead body and the story dies.

Finally, in John’s Gospel, we find physical evidence of the grave-clothes, without a body in them. These were linen burial cloths, soaked with almost one hundred pounds of spices and myrrh, that were wrapped around the corpse. When this process was done the myrrh became like gum, making the clothes very hard to remove. A hastily removed body was not such an easy thing.

Not only was there physical evidence, there were visual proofs. In the accounts of five different writers, the risen Christ made thirteen separate appearances to a total of 557 witnesses who saw the risen Jesus with their own eyes. In I Corinthians 15:6, the Apostle Paul said most of the 500 plus eye-witnesses were still alive at the time of his writing who could verify what had happened.

As amazing as the physical evidence and the eye-witness proof is, the most amazing evidence, however, is the transformational proof in the changed lives of Christ’s followers. What else could account for eleven cowardly disciples becoming bold proclaimers of the resurrection and ultimately giving their lives for this cause. What else could account for a brilliant Jewish scholar and anti-Christian fanatic named Paul being converted and becoming the most effective evangelist ever—and ultimately getting beheaded for his belief in the One whom he had formerly persecuted.

Time and space do not permit listing the many other proofs of the resurrection here, but Acts 1:3 says, “During the forty days after his crucifixion, Jesus appeared to these people many times with convincing proofs that he was actually alive.” When you consider the historical, verifiable evidence—convincing physical, visual and the transformational proof of the resurrection—you are forced to decide about Jesus: He is either the risen Lord, or this is the most incredible hoax ever foisted upon humanity. Either Christianity is a body of truth worthy of ordering your life by, or it ought to be swept into the dustbin of history.

Dr. William F. Albright, the famous Johns Hopkins archaeologist, said, “For a mere legend [or lie or the psychological fabrications of lunatics] about Christ…to have gained circulation and to have had the impact it had [in the 1st century], without one shred of basis in fact, is [unbelievable].”

Thomas Arnold, Professor of History Oxford and author of the three-volume History of Rome, wrote, “Thousands and tens of thousands have gone through the evidence which attests the resurrection of Christ, piece by piece, as carefully as ever a judge summed up on the most important case. I have myself done it many times over, not to persuade others, but to satisfy myself. I have been used for many years to study the history of other times, and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them, and I know of no fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better and fitter evidence and every kind.”

In other words, to deny the resurrection would be harder to swallow than the truth.

The Bible says if you choose to follow the One who is alive, you will experience resurrection power. Follow the proof and you will find the power. Accept the resurrection as truth, accept the Risen Christ as Savior and Lord, and you will experience true Easter power. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:11,

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that you raised Jesus from the dead. Today I choose to live as a resurrection believer. Now, I pray, fill me with the same Spirit that raised Jesus so that the resurrection power can course through my being, bringing kingdom life into me.

Is The End Near?

How You Can Know Fact From Fiction

Jesus didn’t talk about the future just to build a crowd or to fill his disciples’ brains with prophetic minutiae or to sell books. His purpose wasn’t to get them so hyped and overly focused on the second coming that they dropped everything to wait for his return. He always connected the future to the present, grounding prophetic truth in life application. That’s why he always challenged them with “watch and be ready for my coming.” Prophecy isn’t meant just to clue us in about tomorrow, but to clean us up today! If a so-called prophetic expert doesn’t provoke you to purity, walk away!

The Journey: Matthew 24:1-3

Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

In other words, when is all of this going to end? Questions about the end of time have been around since the beginning of time. And those questions always betray an inner uncertainly people have about tomorrow, and their eternal future. That is why so-called prophetic books have always been popular, and to a large degree, speculative at best and misleading at worst.

So, since you and I are rightly curious about the end of time, just as Jesus’ original followers were, how can we tell speculative and spurious prophetic materials from those that are solidly biblical? Well, first and foremost, try reading what the Bible itself has to say about the future. Go to the one who is Master and Commander over tomorrow. You will be amazed at the confidence you gain simply listening to his take on the prophetic future.

And one of the things you will notice about Jesus’ prophetic teachings was that he always connected the future to the present. He always grounded prophetic truth in life application. That is a litmus test for the authenticity of prophecy. Twice in his prophetic sermon in Matthew 24, Jesus said, “Watch and be ready for my coming.” (Matt. 24:42,44)

Jesus didn’t talk about the future just to build a crowd or to fill his disciples’ brains with prophetic minutiae or to sell DVD sets. His purpose wasn’t to get them so hyped and overly focused on the second coming that they dropped everything to wait for his return. And so-called prophecy experts today should do no less. If they do, they are not representing Jesus very well.

Prophecy should never make us so heavenly minded we’re no earthly good. If it does, something is wrong! That’s one of the tests of authentic prophecy.

Another litmus test of authentic prophecy is its sanctifying work in our lives. The Apostle John, who wrote the most extensive prophetic work in the Bible, the Revelation, reminded us in his first epistle, “This hope makes us keep ourselves holy, just as Christ is holy.” (1 John 3:3, CEV) Prophecy isn’t meant just to clue us in about tomorrow, but to clean us up today! Authentic prophecy will provoke us to purity!

Yet another litmus test is if it produces an activistic faith. In other words, authentic prophetic interest makes us so heavenly minded we are more earthly good. In Luke 19:13, Jesus said, “Occupy—do business till I come.”

C.S. Lewis said, “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.”

Here’s the unmistakable point of the prophetic: prophecy is given not only for predictive purposes, but to prepare and purify us for the future, and to make us proactive in the present while we wait for Christ’s return.

If you are looking for prophetic teaching that tickles your desires for the sensational, that places no demands upon your life right now, and that produces no changes in you today, then there are plenty end-time works in your local bookstore or on your favorite online video site to tickle your eschatological fancy. But if you want to know what God has revealed about his plans for tomorrow so that it will make a difference in how you live today, go to the Bible. And don’t come away from it until it produces a pure and proactive faith in you that is current.

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, you have promised an eternal future beyond imagination to me and to all those who long for your reign. We are getting closer to that reality every day. Make me ready—purify me and give me a proactive faith as I wait for your eternal reign.

They Also Serve Who Lead

Jesus Demonstrated Greatness In Stooping To Serve

Oswald Chambers said, “True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing [people] to one’s service, but by giving up oneself in selfless service to them.” Our greatest leadership is whenever we practice authentic servant-leadership. Our greatest influence is whenever we serve from a Christ-centered heart of love. Our most bless-able posture before God is whenever we humble ourselves in selfless service to those God has placed within our reach.

The Journey: Matthew 23:11-12

The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Oswald Chambers said, “True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing [people] to one’s service, but by giving up oneself in selfless service to them.”

If that be true, then our greatest leadership is wherever we practice authentic servant-leadership. Our greatest influence occurs when we serve from a Christ-centered heart of love. And we are most bless-able before God when we humble ourselves in selfless service to those God has placed within our reach.

Do you want to be a great leader, have influence over people’s lives and be positioned for Divine favor? Develop your servant-leader quotient. The late Dr. Earnest J. Campbell, Senior Minister at the historic Riverside Church in New York City from 1968-1976, gave a powerful commencement address at Princeton Seminary in 1978, and the title of his message was, “They Also Serve Who Lead.”

That title is a sermon in itself. In his address, Campbell gave some characteristics of servant leaders that I have found personally challenging—and definitely worth emulating. Give some thought to these as you think about your own call to servanthood and influence:

  1. The servant-leader is willing to assume whatever role necessary.
  2. The servant-leader understands that there is no job beneath his dignity.
  3. The servant-leader is willing to pay whatever price for stability, peace, and health [in his home, business or church].
  4. The servant-leader measures his success not in how submissive people are to him, but in how much they respond to his Christ-like example.
  5. The servant-leader takes responsibility for and watches closely the spiritual, emotional, financial and physical well-being of those in his care.
  6. The servant-leader is never too busy to or too important for interruptions to meet whatever need people may have at the moment.
  7. The servant-leader is quick to forgive, slow to judge.
  8. The servant-leader is ridiculously generous.
  9. The servant-leader e is willing to pay a high price, whatever the cost, to obey God.
  10. The servant-leader willingly puts his life on the life for God, his family, and his people.

Something to really think about, isn’t it?

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, make me like your Son. He was servant of all. Make me a servant, too.

The Stench of Hypocrisy

Saying One Thing But Doing Another Should Never Be Known Among Christians

Hypocrisy is the height of deceitfulness. Act by act, it layers the heart with calluses that will eventually prevent the Holy Spirit from doing his work: convicting the conscience of sin. It lures gullible followers into the same destructive patterns of behavior that are incongruent with beliefs. But perhaps worst of all, it hardens those who are turned off by the religious hypocrisy they witness among God’s so-called people from ever wanting to have anything to do with Jesus Christ.

The Journey: Matthew 23:2-3

The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach.

Let’s be perfectly clear about this: Sin is sin, and no matter what level of sin it is, it is always offensive to a holy God. Sin corrupts, it corrodes the soul, it prevents the blessings of God and if not dealt with, it will cause the gift of eternal life to be forfeited.

Having said that, have you noticed how Jesus seems to rail against one particular sin more than others? Jesus doesn’t’ beat up on prostitutes and thieves and good old run of the mill garden variety sinners like he does religious hypocrites. Just read through this chapter and you will see what I mean.

Hypocrisy is intolerable to God but religious hypocrisy is especially repugnant. It is the worst indictment the Divine could lay against you. To say one thing and to do another, to believe one way and live a different way, and to teach people one thing then personally practice another in the name of Christ will arouse God’s disdain like no other.

Why? Hypocrisy is the height of deceitfulness. It layers the heart, act by act, with calluses that will eventually prevent the Holy Spirit from doing his work: convicting the conscience of sin. It lures gullible followers into the same destructive patterns of behavior that are incongruent with beliefs. But perhaps worst of all, it hardens those who are turned off by the religious hypocrisy they witness among God’s so-called people from ever wanting to have anything to do with Jesus Christ.

How many times have you heard an angry, hardened unbeliever say, “If that’s what Christianity is all about, I want nothing to do with it!”? How sad! It may be that the hypocrisy they are reacting to will close the door of their heart for all eternity to God’s offer of salvation.

The challenge with hypocrisy is that is so hard to spot in your own life. Again, it is so effectively evil because of its power of deception and the hardening of the heart that it wreaks. However, if you are willing to lie very still on the Great Surgeon’s table and allow the Holy Spirit to apply the scalpel to your heart, I am confident that he will expose and excise any hypocrisy that has taken up residence.

Are you courageous enough to allow him to do some spiritual surgery on you today?

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, I open my heart to the surgery of the Holy Spirit today. Expose any hidden and unknown sin and remove anything that could hinder or destroy my relationship with you. And please, never let my inconsistent behavior cause another to turn away from you.

The One Important Thing

Just Love God Fully, Then Do What You Want Freely

Jesus said the only truly important thing you need to worry about in life is this: Just love God fully and love people as yourself. Do that, and you will have fulfilled the whole law of God and found the best and most satisfying use your life.

The Journey: Matthew 22:33

When the crowds heard him, they were astounded at his teaching.

Like the old E.F. Hutton commercial, when Jesus spoke, people listened. They were often left with the same reaction that Matthew 22:22 & 33 recorded: They were mesmerized. There was just something about this rabbi they has never encountered before among Israel’s many notable religious teachers.

What was it that the crowds were so amazed and astonished at whenever they heard Jesus teach? Was it his winsome personality and his engaging speaking ability that awed them? For sure, Jesus’ charisma and confidence were of a caliber that would impress even the most discriminating audience. Was it the miracles that often attended his exposition of the scripture? Certainly that would have impressed the people listening, since no other religious authority had been able to pull off signs and wonders in their sessions.

To be sure, those were factors in the public’s attraction to Jesus, but what really touched them at the core was how Jesus brought the long-awaited Kingdom of God easily within their grasp. Furthermore, the incredible profundity of the absolute simplicity of Jesus’ summary of the entire law of God into two simple, doable commands was music to their ears:

‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40)

Amazingly, the people in Jesus’ day had never heard God’s Word explained that way before. Instead, they had been led to believe that the law of God was comprised of a list of rules and regulations that had to be religiously followed in exacting detail in order for anyone to be pleasing to God. Unfortunately, this list of rules had become an ever-expanding playbook, and the goalpost of obedience kept getting moved further and further away from the worshiper’s ability to score.

But then Jesus came along and said that the entire law of God, rather than being a complex list of rules and unending regulations, could be simply obeyed by one important thing: Love for God! Loving God—to joyfully reverence him, to gratefully obey him, to gladly concern yourself with the things that concern him, and to authenticate that love for God by treating other people as you, yourself, expect to be treated—that was what it meant to fulfill the entire law of God!

That, Jesus said, was the whole law, the greatest obligation, the best and most satisfying use of life; that was the only thing people really needed to worry about; that was the one important thing in life that they needed to get right: Simply love the Lord God with all of your heart! Really, what Jesus was saying was summed up quite nicely a few centuries later by St. Augustine, who purportedly put it this way,

Love God, and do what you want.

Come to think of it, the complete profundity of the absolute simplicity of that one important thing amazes and astonishes me, too. Count me in with the crowd of the impressed!

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, give me grace to love you more!

The Free And Easy Plan

We Don’t Get To Tell God How We Are Going To Get Into His Heaven

Let’s be very clear about this: God is not willing that any should perish; He desires that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) But we don’t get to tell God how we are going to get into his heaven. We can only get there on his terms: Complete and total surrender to Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord.

The Journey: Matthew 22:14

For many are called, but few are chosen.

Have you ever noticed that when a popular public figure dies—a successful movie star, a music icon, a popular athlete or a charismatic politician–adoring fans assume that no matter what kind of life they led (and in some cases, what kind of perversity contributed to their death), these celebrities get a free and easy pass to heaven. How often have you heard a heartbroken fan trying to find some comfort in the death of the one they idolized say something like this: “I’ll sure miss ’so and so’, but I know they’re in a much better place. I’ll bet they’re smiling down on us right now.”

Of course, death is tragic, whether it’s a celebrity or not. And of course, God loves famous people just as he loves not so famous people, and has made room for all in his eternal kingdom. But no one gets a free and easy pass to heaven—unless, that is, they go through Jesus. He is the only free and easy way to the Father. (John 14:6)

“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Those sobering words appear at the very end of the Parable of the Banquet, and if you read that entire parable (Matthew 22:1-14), you find that Jesus is not painting the picture of a narrow, exclusive God. Quite the opposite—he invites pretty much everybody to the party.

The problem is, most reject the invitation. They want to come to it when they are good and ready. They don’t want to change into proper banquet attire. In the words of that famous theologian Frank Sinatra, the vast majority of people want to do it “my way.” But it doesn’t work that way. Only a few get chosen, not because of the exclusivity of God, but because of the resistance of those who demand entrance into the banquet on their terms.

Let’s be very clear about this: God is not willing that any should perish; He desires that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) But we don’t get to tell God how we are going to get into his heaven. We can only get there on his terms.

And his terms (not mine, but his) are very clear: Complete and total surrender to Jesus Christ as Savior AND Lord. We must receive him as the only one who can save us from our sins, because he was the one and only perfect sacrifice for our sins. And we must crown him as the Lord and Ruler of our lives–which means every dimension of our being, not just selective parts. It is on those terms that we are given the free and easy pass to heaven.

Yes, many get invited, but only the few who come on God’s terms will get in on the party that will never end.

Have you fully surrendered your life to God and asked him to give you eternal life on Jesus’ free and easy grace plan? If not, why not do that right now. Just ask, admit your sin, and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord of your life.

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, by your grace, through Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross for my sin, I receive your gift of eternal life. I confess my sin, I repent of my rebellion, I receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, and by your Holy Spirit’s help, as a debt of gratitude, I offer my whole life to you as a living sacrifice.