The Big “If”

Unconditional … with Conditions

PREVIEW: God’s unconditional grace, unlimited love, and undeserved mercy—for which we are all unspeakably grateful—come with some conditions for us. There is a sense in which his unlimited grace is limited, his unlimited love is limited, his unlimited mercy is limited, and we must do some things to unlock the door for them to operate in our lives in a transformational way. There are some big “ifs” to this relationship we enjoy with God. But “if” you are fulfilling the big “ifs” in your relationship with God, then you can expect an unimaginable supply of unconditional grace, unlimited love, and undeserved mercy.

The Big “If” - Ray Noah

A JOURNEY OF WORSHIP // Psalm 81:8,13-14

Hear me, my people, and I will warn you— if you would only listen to me, Israel! …If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

We often speak of God’s unconditional grace, unlimited love, and undeserved mercy—for which we are all unspeakably grateful. But let’s not forget that God does have some conditions for us; there is a sense in which his unlimited love is limited; there are some things we must do to deserve his mercy. There are steps we must take to access the blessings of his grace fully. There are some big “ifs” to this relationship we enjoy with God.

God is a conditional God. Did you notice how the psalmist put it? “If” God’s people listen to him, “if” God’s people obey him, then, and only then, will he fight on their behalf and give them victory. The psalmist is only echoing what is taught in a hundred other places throughout Scripture: The blessings of the covenant that God has made with us are conditional—God’s unconditional, unlimited, and undeserved favor flows to us only as we walk in loving surrender to his rulership over our lives. God has covenanted to bless us as we covenant to obey him.

In our Christian culture, there has been a tendency to emphasize grace in a way that is not balanced by truth, love that is not balanced by obedience, and mercy that is not balanced by authentic repentance. That has led to what has been called “easy believism”—an unhealthy and risky view of salvation. It is time for us to reexamine what Scripture tells us rather than mindlessly allow current preaching trends to adjust what the Bible teaches to what our culture finds acceptable. We must adjust our beliefs and behaviors, as painful and costly as that might be, to what God’s Word says, not vice versa.

So, on this particular day, as you examine your heart, honestly and openly ask yourself if you are living up to your end of the bargain. Check to see if you are meeting the conditions of the covenant. The painful part of doing that may be that you are required to do some costly realigning of your life.

The upside is that if you are fulfilling the big “ifs” in your relationship with God, then you can expect an unimaginable supply of unconditional grace, unlimited love, and undeserved mercy.

MY OFFERING OF WORSHIP: Are you expecting God’s unconditional grace, unlimited love, and undeserved mercy today? Then, ask yourself if you are living up to your end of the covenant. If you are carefully listening to his instruction and lovingly obeying his voice, then you have nothing to fear. If you are not, then offer up a sincere prayer of repentance.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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