God’s House

The Physical Place of Worship

PREVIEW: Not only is the body of Christ the Church of the living God, but the church building can and should be very special as well. The physical church is a wonderful place to come and meditate on God’s unfailing love, just as the Tabernacle was to the psalmist thousands of years ago. In light of that, I would encourage you to add a new dimension to your regular routine of worship—as if worship should ever be routine! Not only should you actively fellowship with God’s saints in the church (Hebrews 10:24-25) but make it your practice to slip into your church’s prayer room or sanctuary often for a time of simple solitude and quiet meditation. It can be with other people present, or just go in when you are alone and give it a try . Just sit and soak in the presence of God and quietly reflect on who he is and what he has done.

“The place in which God’s people gather, by virtue of our collective presence, along with the active presence of the Holy Spirit, sanctifies the building we call ‘the church.’”—Ray Noah

A Journey of Worship // Psalm 48:9

Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love.

There was something very special to the psalmist about the city of Jerusalem and the Tabernacle that housed the earthly manifestation of the uncontainable presence of the Lord. As you read the rest of Scripture, you will find that God thought it quite special, too.

Of course, the New Testament teaches us that under the new covenant, the Holy Spirit dwells in believers individually (1 Corinthians 6:19) and collectively (1 Corinthians 3:16-17), which means that now we, the body of Christ, are God’s temple, his dwelling place on the earth. Yet there is still something special about the physical place where believers come together to collectively lift their voices in praise, pour out their hearts in prayer, share their love in fellowship, serve one another in kindness, teach God’s anointed Word, and convincingly call the lost to salvation.

Yes, we are the church—let’s not forget or get confused about that. But neither let us forget that the place we gather is also the church and by virtue of our collective presence, along with the active presence of the Holy Spirit, the building becomes sanctified as well. It, too, is God’s temple.

I bring that up to remind us that the physical church is still a wonderful place to come and meditate on God’s unfailing love, just as the Tabernacle was to the psalmist thousands of years ago. In light of that, I would encourage you to add a new dimension to your regular routine of worship—as if worship should ever be routine! Not only should you actively fellowship with God’s saints in the church (Hebrews 10:24-25), but make it your practice to slip into your church’s prayer room or sanctuary often for a time of simple solitude and quiet meditation. It can be with other people present, or just go in when you are alone and give it a try. Just sit and soak in the presence of God and quietly reflect on who he is and what he has done.

Do it often and see if you don’t grow in your appreciation for the house of God, and more importantly, for the unfailing love of the Lord of the church.

My Offering of Worship: As soon as you can, go into your church building, particularly the sanctuary where people gather to worship God, and quietly, meditatively sit. Make room in the sanctuary of your heart for God to dwell. Don’t rush, but simply allow God to speak.

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