Prince Charming

An Ancient Recipe for an Awesome Relationship

PREVIEW: We have elevated charisma and charm over character as the key attraction quotient in romantic relationships. The general trend is to put body shapes and bank accounts, personality types and earning potential at the top of the list, while godliness and goodness, inner fortitude, and a committed core are too often ignored. It is personal integrity (“truth”), a balanced view of oneself along with deference to others (”humility”), and godly character (“righteousness”) that we must teach our children and grandchildren to cultivate in themselves and value in their romantic other.

2023-11-03 Prince Charming

A Journey of Worship // Psalm 45:1-4

My heart is overflowing with a beautiful thought! I will write a lovely poem to the King, for I am as full of words as the speediest writer pouring out his story. You are the fairest of all; your words are filled with grace; God himself is blessing you forever. Arm yourself, O mighty one, so glorious, so majestic! And in your majesty go on to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to awe-inspiring deeds!

As you read this song, you will likely recognize that some verses were interpreted and employed by the New Testament writers as the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. For instance, in Hebrews 1:7-9, referencing Psalm 45:6-7, the writer records that God himself inspired the sons of Korah to foretell of Jesus when they wrote,

Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

But back in the title of this psalm and you will also see that this is a love song, probably written for a wedding. It’s the ancient Hebrew equivalent to “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” or “Colour My World” or “Nothing Compares To You” or, sorry, some other syrupy song we’re forced to endure at wedding after wedding. In the case of this psalm, however, there is nothing syrupy or shallow about it.

In fact, there is something compelling and desperately needful here that we would do well to teach our children as they prepare for marriage. Now I know I am swimming upstream against the overwhelming currents of culture, but perhaps you and I can start a romantic revolution on this one. I hope you will help me—because the fact that we have ignored the message of this psalm in our society has caused, at best, extreme disappointment in many marriages, and at worst, nightmarish relational disasters.

What am I talking about? Simply and sadly this: We have elevated charisma and charm over character as the key attraction quotient in romantic relationships. The general trend is to put body shapes and bank accounts, personality types and earning potential at the top of the list, while godliness and goodness, inner fortitude, and a committed core are too often ignored.

I know, what I’m proposing doesn’t sound very romantic by Hollywood’s standards, but it sure is a great deal more enduring and consistently satisfying. A couple that pays attention to my relational checklist will find something far better than physical and economic attraction: A lifetime of fulfillment and fruitfulness.

Did you notice what the psalmist said made Prince Charming so charming? It was his personal integrity (“truth”), the balanced view he held of himself along with his deference to others (”humility”), and his godly character (“righteousness”). Maybe if we would start teaching our children and grandchildren to value those qualities above all others instead of letting pop culture decide what’s best for them, we could start that romantic revolution!

My Offering of Worship: If you are dating, engaged, fantasizing about your perfect match, raising kids, influencing grandkids, or in a position of mentorship, read this psalm aloud and talk (even if it is to yourself) about the qualities that make a prince or princess so charming.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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