Not To Worry

Things Really Are In Better Hands

PREVIEW: When you truly understand that you are always within the sovereign and loving Father’s competent care, like Jesus and David, you can lay your worries down and rest in peace and declare, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Just knowing that nothing will touch you that doesn’t first pass through his hands provides a sense of peace and security that most people never dream possible. Knowing that all the days of your life, from beginning to end, have already been laid out in God’s mind births a rare and priceless confidence that overcomes all of life’s fears — even the fear of death, which is at the bottom of most of the neurosis that plagues the godless — because you know that he is with you, even in the valley of the shadow of death.

Not To Worry - Ray Noah

A Journey of Worship // Psalm 31:5,15 (NLT)

Into your hands I commit my spirit…My times are in your hands.

In God’s hands — that’s a great place to be. David’s belief that God would care for him through the thick and thin of life gave him the necessary fortitude to make the journey with the kind of sweet spirit and deep faith that earned him the appellation “a man after God’s own heart.”

Of course, Jesus knew what David knew: That even in the midst of the most horrible, torturous suffering possible, the cross, he was squarely in the competent and caring hand of his Heavenly Father. And at the end of his suffering, when he had completed the task of redemption and satisfied God’s righteous wrath by bearing the full punishment for the sins of humanity, he, too, committed his spirit into God’s hands.

Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46)

When you truly understand that you are always within the sovereign and loving Father’s competent care, like Jesus and David, you can lay your worries down and rest in peace. Just knowing that nothing will touch you that doesn’t first pass through his hands provides a sense of peace and security that most people never dream possible. Knowing that all the days of your life, from beginning to end, have already been laid out in God’s mind births a rare and priceless confidence that overcomes all of life’s fears — even the fear of death, which is at the bottom of most of the neurosis that plagues the godless.

In another psalm, Psalm 139:16, David wrote,

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Knowing that God has completely planned out your life from beginning to end, that he is watching over each detail, every circumstance, every spit second, and every square inch of your existence with great love and care, that you will not die a day sooner nor live a day longer than what he has foreordained, and that he will fulfill every good purpose in you, ought to give you the kind of confidence and courage to live your one and only life to the fullest and to the glory of God.

Yes, you can commit your spirit into his hands. In his hands — that is the best place to be!

My Offering of Worship: If you are going through a “dark night of the soul,” pray this prayer — the prayer of King David and King Jesus: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Pray it over and again until the peace of God that passes all understanding comes in to guard your heart and protect your mind.

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