SYNOPSIS: Do you have either a nagging concern distracting you or an overwhelming burden pulling you down? The good news is there is a promise in the Bible that covers all your concerns and burdens: “God will perfect everything that concerns you.” (Psalm 138:8, NKJV) Did you catch that? EVERYTHING! So fulfill your end of the promise: take your concerns to God in prayer, obey what he tells you to do, trust his loving care and complete competence to meet the need, then stand on his promises. You see, with God, a promise made is a promise kept.

Moments With God // Focus: Joshua 21:45
Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.
What a great verse! Toward the end of the Book of Joshua, after Israel had conquered their enemies and had taken possession of their promised land, Israel’s brilliant commander, Joshua, made this declaration: not a single one of God’s promises remained unfulfilled. What an amazing testimony about God’s faithfulness. But more than just a significant piece to ancient Israel’s historical record, the author of the book, inspired by the true Author, God, included this line so that you and I would know that since he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, this will be our experience with God as well.
A certain Bible scholar pointed out that God has made over 6,000 promises to us in the Bible Some of those promises are universal in nature—all believers anytime and anywhere who are walking in obedience to his commands can claim them Other promises are quite specific to certain people at certain times, and the Holy Spirit reveals them to us through prayer and the study of God’s Word in response to situations that arise in our lives.
Whether God’s promises are universal or personal, what we are taught repeatedly in the Bible, including this verse in Joshua, is that God is a promise maker, and more importantly, God is a promise keeper The fact is, God has never broken a promise—not even one I can’t say that about me, and you probably can’t say that about you, but we can say that with complete certainty about God With him, a promise made is a promise kept.
When I was a little kid in Sunday School, we would often sing a song about God’s promises that went something like this:
Every promise in the Book is mine
Every chapter, every verse, every line.
I am standing on his Word Divine,
Every promise in the Book is mine!
Over 6,000 promises—and he will bring every single one of them to pass Here are just a few of those 6,000 promises that are for you Upon which one will you “stand” today and every day until God fulfills it in your life?
- That he will forgive all your sins (Psalm 103:3)
- That he will supply all of your needs (Phil 4:19)
- That he will never leave you or forsake you (Heb 13:5)
- That he will give you Divine wisdom for your lack of human understanding (Jas 1:5)
- That he will turn all of your circumstances to your good and for his glory (Rom 8:28)
What is your area of concern A promise covers it, so look it up in God’s Word Fulfill your end of the promise—that’s the big caveat here—and then rest in God’s proven character What is your end Pray, obey, trust, and stand Do that, and you can plant your feet firmly in the certainty of God’s Word because a promise made is kept with him.
Yes, you can expect that “God will perfect everything that concerns you.” (Psalm 138:8, NKJV)
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