Customer Satisfaction

Never underestimate the simple power of a personal testimony. When you speak for Christ as a satisfied customer, as one whose life has been changed forever, as one who was once spiritually blinded by sin but now can see by God’s grace, there is no argument. It’s simply your experience with God, no one else’s. Now your testimony may not be as dramatic as the healing of the man who had been born blind, but it is just as persuasive as his. You, too, are a satisfied customer, and a satisfied customer makes the most compelling witness of all.

The Journey: John 9:25

“I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!”

The Pharisees didn’t like the fact that Jesus had used the Sabbath to heal a man who had been born blind. The truth is, they didn’t like Jesus at all, and they were looking for him to slip up so they could do away with him once and for all. It wasn’t the first time he had “violated” their Sabbath policies by doing God’s work, but perhaps this latest “Sabbath miracle” was their chance.

They found the man Jesus had healed and began to question him: Had he really been born blind? Was this a hoax? Was he secretly a disciple of Jesus? Would a true man of God really heal on the Sabbath?

These weren’t just the innocent questions of a curious group. This was an interrogation. The tone of the Pharisees was intimidating and threatening, and the implication was that it wouldn’t go well for this healed man and his family if he didn’t repudiate both the miracle and the miracle worker.

Then, in a flash of unrehearsed inspiration and simple brilliance, the man parries their attack and thrusts the most persuasive of all daggers into their opposition against Jesus: The testimony of a satisfied customer. All this man knew was that he was once blind, but now he could see. Case closed; end of story. The Pharisees were defenseless. What response could they give against such overwhelming evidence?

That is the simple power of a personal testimony. When you speak for Christ as a satisfied customer, as one whose life has been changed forever, as one who was once spiritually blinded by sin but now can see by God’s grace, there is no argue against that? Now your testimony may not be as dramatic as the healing of the man who had been born blind, but it is just as powerfully persuasive as his. You, too, are a satisfied customer, and a satisfied customer makes the most compelling witness of all.

Alexander MacLaren wrote, “We must have the glory sink into us before it can be reflected from us. In deep inward beholding we must have Christ in our hearts, that He may shine forth from our lives.” Reflect back on what Jesus has done for you. Let it sink in. Then take a few moments today to write your story out—one or two pages will be enough. Simply describe what your life was like before Christ, how you came to know him, and the joys and benefits of what it means to now be his follower.

I guarantee, God will give you an opportunity before too long to share your story with someone who needs to know Jesus.

A Simple Prayer To Be More Like Jesus:

God, without you I am totally lost. Would you give me a picture of that? Help me to remember, so that I never forget. Let the glory of your salvation sink in, so that it can reflect out. Cause my life to be the powerful testimony of a satisfied customer.

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