God, We Long For Christ’s Return

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

To those who have opposed Christ, ridiculed the faith, actively sought its demise…to those who have persecuted believers, burned churches, tortured the faithful, and martyred the saints…to governments that have perpetuated evil, rulers that have ruled cruelly, systems of philosophy and politics that have leeched the hope out of people…to child molesters, rapists, drug dealers, pornographers…to those who were responsible for nailing Jesus to the cross…there is a day coming when they will look upon Jesus, and in the twinkling of an eye, recognize him his the Righteous Judge, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And they will weep! Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

A Simple Prayer for the Second Coming:

God, send your Son back to this earth and set our world aright. Bring justice to your people and judgment upon the evil that has enslaved this world since the Evil One deceived Adam and Eve. Establish your eternal throne over all creation so that ceaseless praise will flow from hearts that pour forth awestruck wonder, unstoppable gratitude and indescribable love.

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