What Jesus Did Often

5×5×5 Bible Plan

Read: John 18
John 18:1-2

“Jesus went out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered. And Judas, who betrayed Him, also knew the place; for Jesus often met there with His disciples.”

Shift Your Focus… We know that this garden was called Gesthemane. By the other Gospel accounts we also know that when Judas showed up with the guards to arrest him, Jesus was in deep and agonizing prayer.  But what may be lost in the greater drama of Judas’ betrayal and Christ’s passion to follow are the words, “for Jesus often met there with his disciples.”

This was a regular place for Jesus.  The disciples were familiar with Jesus’ garden retreat; so was the devil, who had moved Judas to betray the Savior. Jesus had gone there often enough that those who knew him knew where he prayed.

Why does John include and bury this small, seemingly insignificant detail here amidst the more obvious story of Jesus’ arrest?  Perhaps he wanted us to see what Jesus had made plain to his disciples:  That even the Son of God found the time and made the place in his life for regular communion with his Father.

Jesus had purposely included his disciples in his private times with God to leave an example for them.  If he, the Son of God, needed quiet time, so did they.  So do I—and so do you.

Do you have that regular place?  Do the people in your life know where you spend time with God?  Does the devil know where to find you?  The place itself is not important.  The fact that people know that you are regularly in that place is not important.  What is important is that you are in that place where you can touch God and God can touch you with his love and grace.

It is said that early African Christians were dedicated and regular in their personal devotion to God.  Each one reportedly had a separate spot in the thicket where he would pour out his heart to God.  Over time the paths to these places became well worn.  As a result, if one of these believers began to neglect prayer, it was soon apparent to the others. They would kindly challenge anyone neglecting their prayer life, “Brother, the grass grows on your path.”

Keep the path to your garden well worn!

“Prayer is the acid test of devotion.” ~Samuel Chadwick

Prayer… Lord, it is a pleasure meeting with you in this regular time again today. Not for my credit, but may others be inspired by my regular and persistent devotion to you.  May they, too, discover the pure delight of spending time in your presence.

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