More Than Enough

ThanksLiving: 365 Days of Gratitude

Charles Spurgeon wrote that a thirsty little fish doesn’t need to worry about drinking the mighty river dry. All he needs to do is drink away. Likewise, God’s children need to realize that they are standing on the shore of the ocean of his all-sufficient grace—and the invitation is plunge in and drink away. Whatever you are going through, whatever you are facing, whatever your need is, God will supply it—he is more than enough for you! Will you trust him and drink from his all-sufficient supply?

Going Deep // Focus: 1 Kings 17:5-7

So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land.

I have no doubt that the reason some of you are reading this devotional today is to be reminded of this powerful truth: God is more than enough.

God is committed to teaching you that he is sufficient for all your needs. And his sufficiency is your greatest strength! He is sufficient for your eternal life, of course, but if he is sufficient for something as great as that, he is also sufficient for the smaller things as well, including the daily provisions you need for earthly life. God is more than enough.

Now to prove that to you, sometimes God will allow your current source of provision to dry up—even if brought that source into your life. Like Elijah, the Lord may have led you to the brook, fed you with ravens, sustaining you by his hand through these very sources, then by that same hand cause the brook to run dry and the ravens to take flight.

Tough lesson, but God is committed to keeping your eyes on him. He is your source, and he alone. Not the brook, not the ravens, but he is more than enough for you. Not the bank, not the boss, not your belongings, but God is sufficient for all your needs. He wants you to be grateful for what he has given—which includes everything—but to know that he is the all-sufficient God, you need to hold all those things loosely.

If you are facing a situation right now where you don’t have enough—enough wisdom, power, influence, money, energy or will-power to do anything about it—and in all honesty, you are on the brink of disaster—you are in a good place for God to show up and remind you that he is in control, and that he is more than enough, and that he will supply what you need. If you are not sure what your next move is, spiritually, emotionally, financially, maybe even physically, just know this: the Holy Spirit has caused your life to intersect this moment in time to have you relearn the Christian’s most important treasure: Your God is more than enough for you.

The Bible has revealed God as the more than enough God. The Holy Spirit inspired a writer to pen an entire letter, the book of Hebrews, to teach us that this Jesus we love and serve is superior to any force, power, religious system on the face of the planet; he is the all-sufficient One. The Apostle Paul, who knew something about utter dependence on God, wrote in Philippians 4:19, “My God will supply all you needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” There were times when even Paul needed to be reminded of that. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, after a long run of very difficult ministry, where Paul even despaired of life, that God spoke these words to the apostle, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

You might say, “That sounds great, but you don’t understand my situation.” You’re right, I don’t, but God does, and he says to you, “Trust me, I am more than enough for you!” And his track record is that he is more than enough:

He came through for Abraham when he was asked to give up his only son Isaac, and God said, “I’ll provide.”

When Moses stood with the Egyptian army behind him and the Red Sea in front of him, God said trust me and I’ll open up a way. When Elijah asked the widow of Zarepath to give her last meal, God provided an unlimited supply for her family during a time of famine.

Jesus asked the little boy for his lunch, and look what God did…he provided more than enough. That’s just the way God is…and that’s what he wants you to know this morning. He’ll meet your need out of his supply…his grace is sufficient for you.

Charles Spurgeon wrote that a thirsty little fish doesn’t need to worry about drinking the mighty river dry. All he needs to do is drink away. Likewise, God’s children need to realize they are standing on the shore of the ocean of his all-sufficient grace—and the invitation is plunge in and drink away.

God will bring you through it—he is more than enough for you! Will you trust him and drink from his all-sufficient supply of grace?

Going Deeper With God:Whatever your need is today, declare this truth to yourself, your situation, and to the powers in the unseen realm: My God is more than enough for me. Now keep praying, obeying and watching expectantly for God’s provision.

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