God, Let No Sin Rule Over Me

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Methodist bishop and circuit rider Francis Asbury offered this heartfelt prayer during his ministry days in the late 1700’s: “My God, keep me through the water and fire, and let me rather die than live to sin against thee!” That is still a great prayer for you and me in the twenty-first century. What greater desire than to love God so much and to have such gratitude in our hearts for what he has done for us that the possibility of sinning against him would simply be the worst thing we could think of. May God give us a heart like that, and answer every prayer like that.

A Simple Prayer for Moral Purity:

God, keep me in your loving hands through times of trial and the testing of my faith, but also keep me pure and true through seasons of success, fortune and fame. And at all times, let me rather die than live to sin against you!

God, Make My Life About Your Fame

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

The brilliant thinker Henri Nouwen said, “To live and work for the glory of God cannot remain an idea about which we think once in a while. It must become an interior, unceasing doxology.” Imagine if we made that the subject of our praying without ceasing: that at day’s end, it would be said of us that the glory of God alone was our unceasing doxology. Truly, there is no greater purpose in living.

A Simple Prayer for Making God Famous:

God, I exist through you and for you. That is my sole reason for being; it is my grand purpose for living. You have given me this one and only life so that I can use all that I am and all that I have to glorify you. When I drift from that, please forgive me and draw me back onto the path you have laid out for me. My simple prayer today as I journey through the next few hours is that you would keep me always conscious of you, that you would cause me to be addicted to your glory, that you would empower me to point others to you through everything I say and do, and that you would enable me to live in such a way that I bring a smile to your face. And at the end of this day, may I have done my part to make you famous.

God, Show Me How Truly Loved I Am!

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Our sense of worth, along with our fundamental self-identity, comes from what we believe people think of us. And it colors everything we see, feel, think and do. That’s too bad! We ought to rather base it on what God thinks of us! And what does he think? How does he see us? Just look at the cross of Christ. God loves you so unconditionally, unstoppably, inexhaustibly much that he gave his one and only Son to redeem you and bring you into his forever family. You are not loved because you are valuable; you are of inestimable valuable because Who loves you!

A Simple Prayer for Grasping Gods Love:

Dear God, through the revealing work of your Holy Spirit, help me to grasp that I am the one you love. Help me to see how wide, long, high and deep is your love for me. Remind me throughout the day to look at the cross of Christ, with Jesus’ arms stretched from right to left, as if he is saying, “This is how much I love you.” Root my identity in your love, establish my worldview in your love, color my every word and deed through your love, and grant me divine power to live as the beloved of God. Throughout the day, may these transforming words be on my lips: “I am the one the Father loves!”

God, Grant Me A Long Obedience In The Same Direction

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

The God who is able to keep you from falling in your eternal salvation is just as able to keep you from stumbling in the daily journey of that same salvation. At this moment he is giving you the will to and the power to work out your salvation with deep commitment and unfading energy. By far, God bears the yeoman’s share of getting you to your eternal destination, so work with him a little in the next step or two.

A Simple Prayer for Sustained Effort:

Dear God, as I enter the second week of this year, having submitted my desires to your scrutiny and requested your blessings up my goals, I now ask you to sustain my progress. Help me to take the next step of faith, to do the next right thing, to love the next person you place in my path, to exhibit the character of Christ in the next moment, even when I am tired, distracted or just want to give into my selfish, disobedient, short-sighted flesh. You have promised to keep me from falling and bring me to glory on the final day, but I pray that you will keep me from falling today. You have promised to finish the work you’ve begun in me, but I pray that you will advance that work even in the next few moments. Help me to keep putting one footstep of faith in front of the other, until I string together a long obedience in the same direction. Make me an example of an enduring disciple. And may I glorify you every day and in every way even in the minute details of my life. In the name of your Son and my Savior, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Blog Update

Dear Reader,

The raynoah.com blog will post only on Mondays during the month of January as “52 Simple Prayers.” In February, regular posts will resume on Wednesdays and Fridays in addition to the Monday prayer posts.

Thank you for your support.

God, May Your Desires Be My Desires

52 Simple Prayers

God has no reluctance granting the desires that he has placed in your heart. So surrender your wants to him and invite him to replace them with what he wants. His are far better, infinitely so, than what you could ever imagine.

A Simple Prayer for a Great Year:

God, as I stand at the starting line of a brand new year, I intend to run strong and finish well. But I will need your help to run in a way that glorifies you. So my sincere prayer is that you would replace my desires for the things that I would like to achieve and put within my heart the things that you desire to accomplish. I confess that the wants of my flesh are strong, and so are the influences of this world. Purge me from all the selfish, sensual and sinful forces, both internal and external, that daily bombard my mind and compete for my affection. Protect my heart and my mind; help me to delight in you continually. Dear Father, place your desires in my heart, then grant them I pray. And when this year draws to a close, may I have been a living example of one for whom you have granted the desires of the heart.

A Little Help Here!

God Help! At The Start, At The Finish And All The Way In Between

Walking a godly path is not the easiest road to travel. In fact, Jesus called it “the narrow road that only few ever find.” That’s why we need to pray, early and often, “A little help here!” Yes, the god-pleasing life can be achieved, but it will take daily dependence on God—a moment-by-moment, coming to him and getting a little help from above—which he will gladly give!

Read: Psalm 143 // Focus: Psalm 143:10

“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

David was well aware of his own inability to live a righteous life before God. That’s not to say he didn’t try, or that he simply dismissed his failures with an, “Oh well, it’s just the way I am; I just can’t help myself.”

David knew the problem was much deeper than that—and much more troubling. And it wasn’t his problem alone. He knew that mankind was fundamentally flawed because of a sinful nature (“Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you,” Psalm 143:2), and that no matter how much we try, we will ultimately steer right off the cliff into personal sin. And from David’s personal experience, he knew that would probably happen early and often.

So the sweet singer of Israel makes his plea for help from above. If sin were to be overcome, it would take a little help from God. Actually, a lot of help! It would require God’s active mercy (Psalm 143:1), the daily renewal of his loving guidance (Psalm 143:8), and his shepherding care to keep David walking in his will and on the straight and narrow path (Psalm 143:10, cf. Psalm 23: 1-4).

Living the godly life is not the easiest road to travel. In fact, Jesus said it this way: “Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose its easy way. But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.” (Matthew 7:14, TLB) Or as the Message translates it,

Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life — to God! — is vigorous and requires total attention.

Since our lives are out of fundamental alignment by virtue of the sinful nature that got passed down to us from Adam, by nature, we will continually drift toward the devil’s ditch. That will require a constant effort on our part to overcorrect just to keep on that “narrow way” about which Jesus spoke. Most of all, it will take daily dependence on God—day-by-day, perhaps moment-by-moment, coming to him and getting a little help from above.

To live the kind of life God has called us to live, we will need to exercise the same kind of temerity as the kid who wrote this prayer to God: “Jesus, I feel very near to you. I feel like you are beside me all the time. Please be with me this Thursday. I am running in a three-mile race then and I will need all the speed in the world then. If you’re re not busy, could you be with me at the starting line, the finish line, and everywhere in between?”

Yeah, that’s what we need: a little help at the start, the finish, and all the way in between!

Making Life Work: The world’s most powerful prayer is also the shortest and simplest: Help! Perhaps you should pray that right now!