Read Hebrews 12:1-13
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud
of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and
the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us. Let
us fix our eyes on Jesus…”
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Thoughts… Hebrews was written to 1st century Christians of Jewish background. They got off to a great start in their faith, but because of unexpected suffering, they were thinking about walking away and returning to their Jewish roots.
That’s why the writer pleads with them to run their race with endurance. And he gives them—and us—a few tips on how to run strong and finish well.
First of all, we’ll need to find strength from those who’ve gone before.
“Therefore since we are surrounded by this huge crowd
of witnesses to the life of faith…”
The Bible isn’t just a history book; it not just about people who lived and died a long time ago. Hebrews 4:12 says that it is “living and active.” It’s an operator’s manual of living faith to help us today. Romans 15:4 says, “Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it’s written for us.”
And in a very real sense, anyone who has run a victorious race of faith—from the ancient past right up to the present moment, is on the sidelines cheering you on. Hebrews 11 contains a long list of both familiar and not-so-familiar people who were given a tough race to run—they were ridiculed, mistreated; some left their families and homes to serve God. Some paid the ultimate price of sacrifice, hardship and gave their lives to follow God, but they endured.
All them were still running the race of faith when they died. God thought so highly of them that he says of them in 11:36, “The world was not worthy of them.”
When you’re tempted to slow down, when you’ve lost sight of the finish line, when you’re weary and feel like giving up, this great crowd of witnesses is literally in that unseen dimension shouting,
“Don’t give up. We endured; we paid a heavy
price, too. But it was worth it.”
There’s Abraham and Moses, David and Jonathon. There are new Testament martyrs like Stephen and John the Baptist and James. There’s Peter and Paul and John the beloved, There are even loved ones of yours who have gone on before you—and they’re at the finish line shouting,
“Keep going, you’re almost there, it’ll be worth it!”
To sustain your spiritual passion for an entire lifetime, you’ve got to open your eyes to that unseen dimension and listen to those who’ve run the race before you.
Second, to run strong and finish well, we’ll need to put off that which trips us up.
“Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially
the sin that so easily hinders our progress.”
In athletic events, excess weight is not good. You can’t run a marathon with a suitcase. Perhaps you are trying to run your spiritual race that way—you’re in the race, but you’re weighted down.
To run effectively, you’ve got to let go of a couple things: You have got to let go of the ungodly: The sin that easily hinders us. And then you will need to let go of the unnecessary: The weight that slows us down.
Weight is not necessarily sin, but it is anything that keeps you from offering your best to God. In fact, a weight might even be something that is good. But most often, good is the enemy of best. That’s why it is so hard to let go of—precisely because it is good.
And finally, to persevere in the race and finish well, we must keep a single-minded focus.
“Fix your eyes on Jesus…Keep your mind on Jesus …
Then you won’t get discouraged and give up.”
Nothing—nothing is more important in this race than never letting Jesus out of your sight.
How do your “fix” your eyes on Jesus and develop a single-minded focus? It won’t happen by accident. In fact, implicit in the word “focus” is the idea of concentration and intention.
While life is a race, you cannot develop spiritual intimacy on the run. If you want to discover the secret of developing intimacy with God, study the life of Jesus. You will discover that he was busy, but never hurried. He always had time and took carefully guarded moments to be alone with the Father.
If you’re going to keep your focus on Jesus through the busyness and distractions of life, you will have to make time to be alone in his presence; to slow down long enough to hear Him. God will most often speak in the quiet moments of your life. To hear God and know God, you have to create space for solitude and quiet in your day, when you can be alone, undistracted in His presence.
You are in a race—the race of your life. Think about those who have already finished the race ahead of you. Get rid of every hindrance that is slowing your down or that might trip you up. Keep one eye on the prize—Jesus is at the finish line waiting to reward you. And most of all, don’t give up!
“Strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for
which God through Christ Jesus, is calling us to heaven.”
(Philippians 3:12-13)
The finish is in sight, so run strong and run well!
Prayer… I am fixing my eyes on you, Lord Jesus. Today, I will eliminate all of those obstacles that would distract me from my race. And with your help, I will run strong and at the end of the race, I will finish well.
One More Thing… “Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods.”—C.S. Lewis