5×5×5 Bible Plan
Read: I John 3
Meditation: I John 3:1
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are!”
Shift Your Focus… Imagine that—you are a beloved child of God. What incredible love the Father has lavished on you that he should make you his very own! You were once outside the family of God, with no hope and no future. You were an enemy of God, living in disobedience to his law, the deserving object of his righteous wrath because of your sinful nature. You were a mess.
But then, God in his love sent his one and only son, Jesus, to rescue you from the helplessness and hopelessness of your sinful condition. He took upon himself the wrath that you deserved, and he paid the full price for your pardon. He took your sin into his own body—he became sin for you—so that you could become righteous before God.
What love indeed!
Think about this: You received a full and unconditional pardon from the penalty of death, and thus, you are no longer an object of God’s just judgment. But there’s more; God’s love didn’t stop there. You were not only pardoned, you were adopted into God’s very own family. You who were once an enemy are now brought near to God’s heart and given a place in God’s kingdom. A permanent place was set for you at the King’s table and you were given a position of purpose in his eternal plan.
What love indeed!
All because of God’s love, you were made a child of God. What love the Father has bestowed upon one so undeserving as you. And now you are called his very own. That is who you are!
What love indeed!
“To use the grace given is the certain way to obtain more grace. To use all the faith you have will bring an increase of faith.” ~John Wesley
Prayer… Father, I am your child. Nothing can change that. No one can take that away from me. What love indeed, that you should call me your own. And now, Father, what love I have for you, because you first loved me.