Being With Jesus:
John 5:39-40 (NLT)
You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life.
I can think of no simpler yet more powerful practice for greater spiritual growth and intimacy with God than daily Bible study. The truth is, if you don’t have a regular quiet time with God—which would include not just reading, but meditation as well as incorporating the Scripture in prayer—you will be stunted in your spiritual vitality. It is a simple as that.
Yet Bible reading, journaling, Scripture memory and all the other wonderful disciplines that involve the Word of God are not enough. In fact, there is a very real danger lurking in the practice of daily quiet time that will lead to even greater distance from God than not reading at all: Love of the Word of God more than love of the God of the Word. That is what we might call bibliolatry.
Bibliolatry occurs when we acquire biblical knowledge without spiritual discernment; when our study of the Word is not commensurate to our obedience of the Word; when our love for Scripture exceeds our love for God, and correspondingly, love for our fellow man; when pride in our practice of Bible reading leads to a false sense of righteousness; and when the spiritual discipline of quiet time becomes a work of law rather than an experience of grace. When that occurs, in effect, we are worshiping the Bible rather than the God of the Bible.
There are far too many “Christians” who read the Bible little, if at all. That is an unfortunate blight on the modern church. Yet there is another segment of believers, much smaller, but in deeper spiritual danger, who have been lulled into a sort of spiritual smugness because they fancy themselves as “people of the Word” or because, as they happily proclaim, the church they attend really “teaches” the Word.
Knowing the Bible isn’t enough. Satan knows the Bible as well as anyone. He can quote it at will. Daily reading and Scripture memory aren’t enough. Nicodemus (see John 3) had that down pat. Going to a church that teaches the Word verse-by-verse isn’t enough. The Pharisees had that down pat, yet they were far from God.
The devil knows the Bible as well as anyone, yet he’s still the devil. Nicodemus knew Scripture too, yet he still needed to be born again. The Pharisees knew the Word inside and out, yet they were still far from God. Knowing the Bible isn’t enough; believing in Jesus is! Jesus said, “Scripture points to me!” He also said, “When you find me, you find eternal life.” The ultimate goal of your devotional life should not be to attain greater Bible knowledge or even just to grow spiritually. The best goal—the only goal, in fact—of being in the Word should be to know God and his Son, Jesus Christ. That is life—now and for all eternity!
Hearing, reading, and believing the Bible aren’t enough. Believing in Jesus is. Jesus said, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.” (John 3:36)
The ultimate goal of Bible study should not be to gain greater knowledge of Scripture, or to grow spiritually, or to simply be able to check off that item on your daily list of things to do. The best goal—the only goal, in fact—should be to know God and his Son, Jesus Christ. By “knowing”, I am not referring to an intellectual event, but the intimate exchange of one’s life with the Almighty whereby love is deepened, obedience is practiced, and faith is expanded.
That is when searching the Scripture leads to eternal life.
Great word. I grew up in a church that drilled the word into you, to their credit, but fell short when it came to the indwelling, life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. This is a great word for today's church.