“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you
have shown him as you have helped his people
and continue to help them.”
(Hebrews 6:10)
Thoughts… We are enamored with celebrity in our culture—even in the Christian world. We elevate TV preachers; we give special attention to pastors of mega-churches; we idolize Christian singers, entertainers and authors of best-selling books.
God doesn’t. He is not all that impressed. He isn’t enamored with celebrity, he does not elevate high profile Christians, he is not drawn to talented and successful believers any more than he is to ordinary ones. God sees the little person—the one who faithfully and diligently serves behind the scenes in his kingdom, doing the things no one notices and rarely appreciates. And he will not forget their sacrificial service. In fact, he personally and joyfully receives our every act of service as an expression of authentic love.
To every usher who faithfully serves at their post; to every nursery worker who rocks a crying infant; to every senior citizen who stuffs a bulletin; to every volunteer who pulls weeds and plants flower at the church; to every choir member and musician who practices every week; to every Sunday School teacher who stays up late on Saturday night to polish their lesson; to every person who gives someone a ride…
God sees! God remembers! God is pleased! God will not forget your work! God will reward!
Prayer… Lord, I pray for a special blessing on all of the people in your kingdom who faithfully and sacrificially serve your church. Bless them abundantly. Show them a sign of your favor today.
One More Thing… “The reward of being ‘faithful over a few things’ is just the same as being ‘faithful over many things’; for the emphasis falls upon the same word; it is the ‘faithful’ who will enter ‘into the joy of their Lord.’” — Charles S. Robinson
This post and Dr. Blair’s sermon yesterday were so timely for me. When I look at what is going on in the world, I get overwhelmed… and I think of how ineffective I am in “changing the world.” How quickly I forget that Jesus changed one life at a time. And so, I’m going on with my day… touching each life I come in contact with for God’s pleasure. Thanks, Pastor for the reminder!
Would it not be a helpful spiritual discipline to go about each and every day performing for the audience of One? May the Holy Spirit help me to do as Brother Lawrence taught: practice the presence of God!