Getting Closer to Jesus: An insightful person pointed out that some people change their ways when they see the light, others only when they feel the heat.
First, some good news: God is in control. He has an unstoppable plan—and if you are a fully devoted follower of his Son, Jesus Christ, you are in the very center of that plan. Good things are in store for you. Hang on to that as you read on.
Now a dose of reality: Most people would agree that Planet Earth is in serious trouble; it is rapidly, steadily being engulfed in moral, cultural, and spiritual darkness. We don’t need a prophet of doom to tell us that; we are reminded of it every time we open our eyes. Ask the average man or woman on the street and they will tell you that humanity is headed in the wrong direction.
Obviously, this present world has a growing list of seemingly unsolvable needs—poverty, ignorance, climate upheaval, famine, disease, political instability, crime, violence, the threat of war, war, drug abuse, human trafficking, intolerance, religious persecution, the breakdown of the family, and on and on the list goes. Though these problems are nothing new to the world scene, there is now a sense of foreboding in both high officials and ordinary citizens around the globe that these problems are swallowing up any chance for progress toward civility and stability that we might have been moving toward at some point.
The writer of Judges prophetically summed up our twenty-first-century world in the last verse of his book when he wrote, “There was no controlling moral authority to govern people’s lives, so everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” (Judges 21:25) Unfortunately, in the day of the Judges, and in our day, “what was right,” with no presence of the “Controlling Moral Authority”, without fail produces moral, cultural, economic, and global chaos. Predictably, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn famously lamented, “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Yes, what we see and sense today is what happens when humanity forgets God. In his famous Templeton Address, “Men Have Forgotten God”, Solzhenitsyn said
The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century…Yet we have grown used to this kind of world; we even feel at home in it.
Don’t get used to it! Don’t ever feel at home in this present world. Don’t accept the growing darkness as inevitable. Why? The light that has come into this dark world, and while most reject the light for the growing darkness, you can live in that light and even be a reflector of that light in the darkened corner of the world in which you live.
Take the Next Step: The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 1:27, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Since Christ Jesus lives in you by his Holy Spirit, how about you let his light shine through your life in the darkened corner of the world to which he has assigned you? How? Re-read Matthew 5:1-16 where the Lord calls us to let our lights shine. I think you might come up with a few ways to turn on your high beams for Jesus.
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