PREVIEW: Whatever was created—which pretty well covers it—owes its existence to the word of the Lord. He spoke, and out of nothing, “they” were created: Angels, heavenly beings, solar systems, weather patterns, geological formations, plant and animal life, rulers and authorities, along with “young men and maidens, old men and children.” (Psalm 148:12) I think it’s safe to say, you and I are included in this list. That is who “they” are. And isn’t it only right and fitting that “they” should offer continual and heartfelt praise to the One who created them?

A Journey of Worship // Psalm 148:5-7,13
The writer of this psalm tells us that “they” should praise the Lord since it was He who spoke the word, and “they” were created. So who in the world is “they”?
Have you ever heard people refer to “they” when they are talking? “They” did this; “they” did that; “they” want this; “they” want that. I call that the “ubiquitous they”—everybody in general and no one in particular. The psalmist is referring to the “ubiquitous they.” In this case, everybody and each one!
Whatever was created—which pretty well covers it—owes its existence to the word of the Lord. He spoke, and out of nothing, “they” were created: Angels, heavenly beings, solar systems, weather patterns, geological formations, plant and animal life, rulers and authorities, along with “young men and maidens, old men and children.” (Psalm 148:12) I think it’s safe to say, you and I are included in this list. That is who “they” are.
Now, isn’t it only right and fitting that “they” should offer continual and heartfelt praise to the One who created them? Unfortunately, and unbelievably, many of “them” have turned from worshipping He who created them and worship what He created instead.
They” traded the truth about God for a lie. So, they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. (Romans 1:25)
How absurd is that!
But you can change that—me too! Let’s do what we were created to do. As we go about our day, let’s make it our aim to lift up praise to the name of the Lord in all that we say, in every thought we think, and in whatever we do. If you and I will do that, at least two of “them” will do what “they” should be doing!
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