PREVIEW: How do we get God on our side? Simple: we get on God’s side! And what is the best way to ensure the Lord’s help? Not just to get the Lord on your side—that can be tricky business, given the exceeding craftiness of our own humanistic motives (“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out” Jer 17:9). Rather, the only surefire guarantee of the Lord’s help is to get on God’s side—and stay there—by maintaining God-honoring goals, focusing my interest on God’s purposes, setting my family apart for his glory, and exerting all my energies “as unto the Lord” (Col 3:17, 23). If you are like me, achieving that will require a good deal of recalibrating your life so that from the center to the circumference, you are aligned with God’s will.

A Journey of Worship // Psalm 127:1-2
During the Civil war, President Lincoln was asked if God was on his side. His reply was, “It is not is God on my side, but am I on God’s side?”
That’s a great question to ask yourself in any of life’s endeavors. Whether it is in pursuing your personal goals (“Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain”), protecting your interests (“Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain”), producing a good living (“In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat”), practicing a life of tranquility (“he grants sleep to those he loves”) or planning for a happy family (“how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children” Psalm 127:3), at the end of all your efforts, nothing of lasting value and eternal consequence will have been accomplished if the Lord has not helped.
And what is the best way to ensure the Lord’s help? Not just to get the Lord on your side—that can be tricky business, given the exceeding craftiness of our own humanistic motives (“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out” Jeremiah 17:9). Rather, the only surefire guarantee of the Lord’s help is to get on God’s side—and stay there.
Perhaps Lincoln’s question is a good one to ask yourself today: “Am I on God’s side?” Are my goals God-honoring? Are my interests dedicated to his purpose? Is my work his work? Is my family set apart for his glory? Are all my efforts done “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:17, 23)?
If you are nervous about answering those questions as if you were giving account to God himself, then wouldn’t you say it is time to recalibrate your life so that from the center to the circumference, you are aligned with God’s purposes?
I hope you will join me today for a little recalibration. If we can pull that off, we will be in good standing to get the Lord’s help. And, like the Apostle Paul, the testimony of our life will be, “But I have had God’s help to this very day, and so I stand here and testify to small and great alike.” (Acts 26:22)
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