For Desert Dwellers

Your Armload of Blessing is Coming

PREVIEW: As is true for every Christian, you, too, will get a season in what seems to be a wasteland, what we might call a desert experience. It is a barren place that is bordering your life physically, emotionally, financially, relationally, or spiritually, seemingly preventing you from moving into the place of fruitfulness that God intends for you. But don’t forget: God specializes in creating streams in the desert, turning bareness into fruitfulness, and birthing life from death. So, dear desert dweller, get ready to laugh. God is about to end your stream of tears and send you a stream of restoration.

For Desert Dwellers - Ray Noah Blog

A Journey of Worship // Psalm 126:4

Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like streams in the Negev.

You’ve got a Negev; so do I. Everybody gets a Negev at some point in their life. Spending time there just seems to be core curriculum for Christians.

So, what’s a Negev? The Negev was the desert that sat on Israel’s southern border, and it was an inhospitable, intimidating, and impossible place. It was a borderline of barrenness. Israel had a physical Negev, but your Negev is not geographical; you may very well be living with a barren place that is bordering your life physically, emotionally, financially, relationally, or spiritually. And your desert experience is likely preventing, or so you think, from moving into your Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey, a place of fruitfulness that God intends for you.

And here’s the deal with deserts: To the natural eye, there is no quick way out or easy way through. To the natural mind, there is nothing but barrenness, with no hope for life, and no prospects for change. The desert represents death—the end of a dream, the end of the line, the end of the story.

But God specializes in creating streams in the desert, turning bareness into fruitfulness, and birthing life from death. God brought the Israelites through the desert to the Promised Land, David out of the wilderness into the palace, Israel back from Babylonian exile to rebuild Jerusalem, and Jesus from death’s tomb to eternal glory. As you can see, deserts—physical, emotional, financial, relational, spiritual—are no big deal to God; some of his best work is done there.

Your Negev may look like the end of the road for you but don’t lose hope. Though you may weep tears of sorrow or tears of repentance or tears of intercession over your desert (“those who planted their crops in despair will shout “Yes!” at the harvest,” Psalm 126:5). You see, God will water your Negev with those tears and in the proper time, bring forth so much abundance (“And now, God, do it again—bring rains to our drought-stricken lives,” Psalm 126:6). And when, not if, but when that happens, you will have to pinch yourself to make sure it is not a dream (“those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing,” Psalm 126:1).

So, dear desert dweller, get ready to laugh. God is about to end your stream of tears and send you a stream of restoration.

My Offering of Worship: Select two or three different Bible translations and read slowly, carefully, and prayerfully the six verses of Psalm 126. Pour out your heart to God, claim his promises from this song for your own life, and offer a sacrifice of gratitude in advance for your coming stream of restoration.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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