SYNOPSIS: God is love, yet he experiences the emotions of hate, abhorrence, and anger without having his goodness or graciousness diminished in the least. In fact, God’s capacity to become incensed over certain things is an appropriate and vital part of his love. Love, for instance, demands the emotion of anger and even hate over injustice, neglect, or abuse. Goodness gets upset over evil. Grace presupposes the need for itself, recognizing the need to compensate for disgrace. So, the hatred and disgust of God should not be surprising to anyone who truly understands God’s loving character. Rather, it should be expected, desired, and even appreciated. In fact, to love what God loves requires us to hate what God hates.

Moments With God // Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up conflict in the community.
Hate! Detest! Those are words we don’t normally associate with God. After all, God is love. Right?
The fact is, God is love, and yet he experiences the emotions of hate, abhorrence, and anger without having his goodness or graciousness diminished in the least. In fact, God’s capacity to become incensed over certain things is an appropriate and vital part of love.
Love, for instance, demands the emotion of anger and even hate over injustice, neglect, or abuse. Goodness gets upset over evil. Grace presupposes the need for itself, recognizing the need to compensate for disgrace. So, the hatred and disgust of God should not be surprising to anyone who truly understands God’s character. Rather, it should be expected, desired, and even appreciated.
What is it that causes God such deep displeasure? Seven things, according to this proverb: 1) a prideful look, 2) deceitful words, 3) bloody hands, 4) wicked plotting, 5) evil ambitions, 6) false witnessing, and 7) shalom-breaking divisiveness. Interestingly, these seven things listed in verses 16-19 are a recap of Solomon’s warnings given earlier in the chapter in verses 12-14:
- Arrogance (v. 13): Solomon refers to one who “winks with his eyes.” It pictures someone who has a proud heart, is haughty, or prideful.
- A lying tongue (v. 12): Solomon calls it a “perverse mouth.” Since lying is prohibited in the Top 10 List of Divine Prohibitions, it is no wonder that God detests lies and liars.
- Hands that shed innocent blood (v. 13): Solomon speaks of “fingers” that slyly signal deceit, showing that bloody hands can also refer to one who personally, deliberately, and strategically profits at the expense or misfortune of another.
- A heart that devises wicked schemes (v.14): This is a person who “plots evil with deceit in the heart”. It is a conniving person who is completely out of step with the loving heart of God.
- Feet that are quick to evil (v. 13): It is “one who shuffles his feet” or a person whose first inclination is toward evil. Their initial tendency is always and aggressively sinful.
- A false witness that pours out lies (v. 12): It refers to a “corrupt mouth.” It is one who violates the ninth commandment, “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”
- One who stirs up dissension in the comunity (v. 14): Solomon calls out the one who “always stirs up trouble” (NLT). This one is an agitator who thrives on discord.
Make no mistake, the God of love and grace we know expresses hatred toward those whose hearts are habitually inclined toward these kinds of wicked and destructive behaviors.
But this list of seven things God hates is also interesting in that it tells us a lot about the character of God. If you know what someone passionately dislikes then you know the inner passions of that person. What does God’s hatred tell us about his character?
- He is a God who values true humility (clearly demonstrated in Jesus, who being in very nature, God, humbled himself—Philippians 2).
- He is a God of truth (God is not prone to human weakness that he would lie—Numbers 23:19).
- He is a protector and advocate of the downtrodden and disadvantaged (He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing—Deuteronomy 10:18).
- He is a God whose motives are pure (with him there is no shadow of turning—James 1:17).
- He is a God who is quick to do good (How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts—Matthew 7:11).
- He is a God of justice (The Lord is known by his justice—Psalm 9:16).
- He is a God of unity (Jesus’ most urgent prayer was that his followers would be one, just as he and the Father were one—John 17:12).
Living within God’s pleasure means avoiding his anger and his wrath, particularly by avoiding these seven no-nos. But it is more than that. It is also understanding his character and cultivating his qualities in our lives until we are conformed to the very image of his Son. When we truly understand what God hates, we will hate it too, and will passionately avoid those kinds of behaviors. And when we truly understand what God loves, we will passionately pursue those qualities.
Hmmm, a love-hate relationship; Maybe there’s something to it!
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