For decades, it’s been reasoned that having a corporate or a personal mission statement is critical to success. But for the Christ-follower or the Christian organization, nothing could be further from the truth. We shouldn’t be asking “what’s my mission,” but what’s God’s mission, and how can I get on mission with God.

And just what is God’s mission? Nothing less than his glorious rule over a redeemed creation. That means our mission is to proclaim God’s free offer of saving grace through his Son to lost people near and far, inviting them into his loving rule. Especially people who’ve never heard the Good News—the unreached—because where a person is born shouldn’t limit their access to Jesus.
So if we’re to live on mission, then getting the Good News to the unreached must become a driving conviction. I say “driving conviction” because our sin nature is self-focused. We do our best to avoid the determination and discomfort that being missional requires. But when you think about it, being on missions with God is actually self-serving.
You see, missions is the best way to get what you, me, and everybody desires: impact. You best multiply your life impact by being missional.
Your greatest impact will be wherever you do missions.
When you PRAY, GIVE, and GO missionally—to Asia, Africa, South America—people’s response to Christ in those places is your influence over there.
In a real sense, missions is simply you exporting your spiritual DNA to people afar.
The Apostle Paul described it that way when he spoke of the Galatian church he planted in Galatians 4:19,
“I feel as if I’m in labor pains for you…and they’ll continue until Christ is fully formed in you.”
The church in Galatia had Paul’s spiritual DNA! Linda and I came into that revelation a few years ago when we personally sponsored a church planter in Uganda. Watch the video below to hear the full story!
Do you want to live a life of eternal impact? Then live on mission.
Through your praying for, giving to, and going on mission, people will receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus. And throughout eternity, they will thank you for being the conduit of God’s amazing grace to them.
Your missional impact now will yield ever-increasing eternal return on investment.
Friends, this is how you can change the world and impact souls for all eternity.
Learn how you can make an eternal investment today at
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