SYNOPSIS: Petros Network’s goals are not simply to plant a certain number of churches and have a certain number of souls saved, but to train our church planters to be the voice of reform, education, and vision casting for all that comes from the domain of God’s goodness within their communities. The gospel demands of people a better way of living. The Good News ought to lead villagers to better health and hygiene, clean water systems, environmental stewardship, human rights, women’s empowerment, protection of vulnerable children, food security, government that serves the best interest of the people, better family relationships, and ethnic harmony. When the gospel takes root in a city, Redemptive Lift must follow. “By the blessings of the upright, the city will be exalted.” (Prov 11:11) That should be the result of the gospel you bear in your village, too.

Moments With God // Proverbs 11:11
By the blessings of the upright the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
I am writing this devotional after two trips in two months to four different African nations. Our joint Petros Network teams of North Americans and Africans completed fifteen intensive days of leadership training in the remote, impoverished, and unreached areas with 600 East African church planters—indigenous missionaries—who are taking their regions region by storm.
Not only did we train, but we also individually interviewed all 600 of these Spirit-filled, brave men and women. We heard story after amazing story of physical healings, deliverances from demonic possession, the dead being raised, and other signs and wonders that, as much as those I’ve just mentioned might be hard to fathom, are way beyond our grid of experience and belief.
To say the least, we are witnessing a veritable Book of Acts type revival before our very eyes. The gospel is being proclaimed, souls are being saved, converts are entering the discipleship process, and the Kingdom of God is rapidly and assertively coming to places previously ruled by darkness. No more! Now that rule is being returned to the rightful ruler, God!
Yet what excites me as much as anything is the Redemptive Lift of village after village that follows the proclamation of the gospel and the salvation of souls. By Redemptive Lift I mean that wherever people respond to the gospel, not only are souls saved for all eternity, but life in the village gets better right now. In other words, when the Good News takes root in a place, the city is exalted. As it should! We call this transformation, the Redemptive Lift Cycle. The great advancements in the history of civilization as well as the greatest social reforms over the centuries have always been inspired by the people of God who carry the message of God to their corner of the world.
Our church planting goals are not simply to plant a certain number of churches and have a certain number of souls saved, but to train our church planters to be the voice of reform, education, and vision casting for all that comes from the domain of God’s goodness within their respective communities. The gospel demands of people a better way of living. The Good News ought to lead villagers to better health and hygiene, clean water systems, environmental stewardship, human rights, women’s empowerment, protection of vulnerable children, food security, government that serves the best interest of the people, better family relationships, and ethnic harmony.
“By the blessings of the upright, the city will be exalted.” And, with God’s help, we are going to see once impoverished nations transform into a shining light on hill for all of Africa. Pretty lofty goal, I know. But village by village, we will prevail because the gospel will prevail. Jesus promised it would.
This brings me to you: God wants you to be an agent of Redemptive Lift in your village—your home, your school, your workplace, your neighborhood, your social network, or wherever you do life. He desires wherever you live to be exalted by your righteousness. This is not just God’s plan for Africa; it is his plan for you!
Is life in your “village” better simply because you are there? It should be! After all, the gospel is meant to spill out of your life once in a while, making you an agent of Redemptive Lift.
We invite you to learn more about Redemptive Lift and the Redemptive Lift Cycle by visiting Petros Network at
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