SYNOPSIS: Parents, start early and do it often. Don’t abdicate the impartation of wisdom to your children’s teacher, youth pastor, their friends, and especially not to pop culture. It is your job—so you do it! Do it out of love. Do it out of your own reservoir of Godly wisdom. Take responsibility for shaping their lives. Do it because next to the Word of God, you are the single biggest influence for good and godliness your child has.

Moments With God // Proverbs 4:1-2
Listen, friends, to some fatherly advice; sit up and take notice so you’ll know how to live. I’m giving you good counsel; don’t let it go in one ear and out the other. (The Message)
“Listen up!” People who know me will hear me say that with some regularity. It’s my way of getting people’s attention. It means that I’m fixin’ to say something that’s extremely important—at least in my humble opinion.
I think it’s especially important for parents to be giving those kinds of “listen up” talks to their children. It may not be as frequently, but now that I am a grandparent, I plan to have those kinds of talks with the grandkids, too.
Parents, start early and do it often. Don’t abdicate the impartation of wisdom to your children’s teacher, youth pastor, their friends, and especially not to pop culture. It is your job—so you do it!
Do it out of love. Do it out of your own reservoir of Godly wisdom (which, if you don’t have it, means you need to quickly get to the Source and start filling your own tank). Take responsibility for shaping their lives. Do it because next to the Word of God, you are the single biggest influence for good and godliness your child has—or at least you should be.
My fear is that far too many parents have left the business of molding their child’s intellect and character to the winds of fate. Perhaps that’s why, as many of us are convinced, our country is morally and intellectually adrift—fast approaching the shoals of a once-great nation. But I’m not ready to abandon our culture to second-rate status; I believe we can quickly reverse our spiritual-moral-cultural drift one child at a time by parents simply doing what parents are supposed to do: Having those “listen up talks” with our kids.
When my older daughter graduated from a leading business school with her MBA, during a break in the commencement activities, her mother and I were having one of those “listen up” talks with her—at her invitation (by the way, the ratio of unsolicited to solicited parental advice obviously decreases as the age of your child increases—and at a certain point, you get to have those talks only as they invite you into their world). I found myself sharing with her my list of life lessons—humorously couched in “Life Lesson #…” language. But I was seriously sharing from my reservoir of life experiences as filtered through God’s Word—and she was listening.
Fast forward a few years and I can tell you she has done just fine because that wasn’t the first nor the only “listen up” talk we had. We still do from time to time. And now I have the joy of watching her give the “listen up” talks to her children. I am convinced those children, my precious grandkids, will do just fine, too.
Maybe it’s time you had the first in a series of many “listen up” talks with those special people in your life.
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