God will never lose track of you, even if you are in the thick fog of threatening circumstances. And if you will simply review God’s track record of wisely, faithfully and impeccably bringing about deliverance for his people, often at the eleventh hour, you will a “see” a more powerful testimony of his power for your life and greater glory to himself is around the corner. So if you’re about to break, don’t. The fact that your conditions are worsening only signals that you are inches away from an amazing breakthrough!

The Journey// Focus: Exodus 5:22-23, 6:5
Moses returned to the LORD and said, “O Lord, why have you brought trouble upon this people? Is this why you sent me? Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has brought trouble upon this people, and you have not rescued your people at all.” … Then the Lord said to Moses, “I am well aware of my covenant with my people.
Who knows how many spiritual victories and miraculous interventions God’s people forfeited because they retreated from God’s work in the face of increased adversity; they pulled up just before the finish line. Such was the case of Florence Chadwick, a world famous swimmer who famously gave up just a half mile shy of the California coastline on her record swim from the Catalina Islands.
Previously, Florence became the first woman ever to cross the English Channel twice both ways. But on the fourth of July 1952, the thirty-four year old swimmer was set on being the first woman to swim the twenty-six miles between Catalina Island and the shores of the Golden State. After fifteen hours of swimming, a thick, heavy fog set in. Florence began to doubt her ability, and she told her mother, who was in one of the boats, that she didn’t think she could make it.
Her mother and her trainer encouraged her to not to give up, to press on because the coast had to be close. But all Florence could see was the fog—and she gave up, in reality, so close, yet in her mind, so far.
Neither could Moses see what God saw. Moses saw only the reality of rejection and increasing hostility as Pharaoh threw him out of his presence. God had instructed Moses to declare before this great world ruler that it was time to let Israel go. But this time, Moses’ message fell on Pharaoh’s deaf ears. Yet it was not deaf ears, it was a hard heart—hardened by God for a forthcoming purpose that would be glorious beyond belief. Moses could only see the fog of defeat in front of him. Above the fog, God was bringing the victory for his people closer and closer.
As someone has said, it is always darkest before the dawn. Sometimes God’s best activity is directly preceded by the last throes of Satanic struggle—one last surge to discourage the child of God into retreat and surrender. What we should never forget is that at the darkest, most difficult moments of our conflicts, God is well aware of his covenant with his people—a covenant that guarantees victory, not defeat.
God will never lose track of us, even if we are in the thick fog of threatening circumstances. And if we will simply review God’s track record of wisely, faithfully and impeccably bringing about deliverance for his people, often at the eleventh hour, we will a “see” a more powerful testimony of his power for our lives and greater glory to himself is just around the corner.
If “worsening conditions” describes you, and you feel like you are about to break, don’t. The fact that your conditions are worsening only signals that you are inches away from an amazing breakthrough!
As Frederick Douglas said, “Without a struggle, there can be no progress.”
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