What if you actually began to live your life by the Golden Rule in every waking moment? What if “do to others as you would like them to do to you” became your “gold standard” for life? It would literally turn your world rightside up. And what if enough of us got together and bound ourselves to this rule for living? These twelve words Jesus prescribed Planet Earth would literally cure everything that ails it – polarized politics, government gridlock, persistent racism, homelessness, poverty, the breakdown of the family – you name it! Naive thinking, you say? People will take advantage of our kindness, you say? Won’t work, you say? Hmmm, I guess Jesus didn’t know what he was talking about.
The Journey: Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would like them to do to you.
It has been called “The Golden Rule.” It is the ethic of reciprocity, the basis of all human rights. You can find its roots in the Old Testament (Leviticus 19:18 & 34) and it appears in various forms in practically every culture and religion known to man.
The Golden Rule is so universally embraced, at least in theory, because it originated with God. A dozen words, delivered by God to you, me, and all of humanity, that would literally change everything about Planet Earth that ails it!
So what if we actually began to live our lives by that ethic? What if the Golden Rule became our “gold standard for life”? Can you imagine how life on the earth might change if enough of us got together and bound ourselves to this rule for living? Think of how your own private world would drastically improve if you treated everyone as you would want them to treat you!
Re-read verses 27-43 and you will get a glimpse of the kind of things that would happen:
- You would encourage and edify even those who irritate you!
- You would pray for those who hurt you!
- You would offer reconciliation to those who have injured you!
- You would do good to those who have done bad!
- You would be generous with everyone—friend, foe, and those in need!
- You would criticize others less and work on you more!
- You would be kind even to those who are ungrateful and evil!
- You would prove yourself to be a true child of the Most High in thought, feeling, speech and action!
What would happen if you did that? The world would be a much better place, that’s what!
Sounds like a good plan to me! How about you? So how about you and I, even if no one else will, give it a try. It is in our power, you know. Like Samuel Johnson said, “Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.” But not only is it in our power, we have a Father in Heaven who will empower us, because he is rooting for us to show ourselves as his true sons and daughters.
It is much easier, especially with this “rule for life” to be a hearer of the word only, and not a doer. You and I live with a fallen nature that is self-centered, easily offended, and prone to hurt others in order to protect ourselves, yet we are called to live out the immutable values of God’s kingdom. We cannot do that on our own; we need God’s help. But he has promised to help. So take a moment to ask for divine assistance, and then look for ways to live out the Golden Rule in your every waking moment today.
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