We desperately need a Savior—one who will deliver us from our sinful nature and from this sinful world: “Gabriel said, ‘You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’” (Matt. 1:21) We desperately need a Christ—one anointed as our Messiah to redeem us and bring us into right standing with God: “In him we have redemption.” (Eph. 1:7) And we desperately need a Lord—one who has rulership over our lives and our world: “And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!” (Luke 1:33) In Jesus, God gave us One who is Savior, Christ and Lord.

A Simple Prayer For Christmas Joy:
Jesus, you are Savior — through you all my sins are gone. Jesus you are Lord — sovereign over all that will happen in my life today — good or bad. And Jesus, you are Christ — God’s anointed for my life. For that, I choose to be joyful in you. Amen.
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