If my life is now hidden with Christ in God, as Colossians 3:3 tells me, then that means God is already out in front of me, he is above me lovingly watching my every move, he is behind me, guarding my back, and he is underneath me, ready to catch me if I fall. Why would I not then step out in faith to risk great things for him? Why wouldn’t I honor him with that kind of trust in his watchful care over all my ways? There is no reason not to, so I think I will!

A Simple Prayer To Step Out In Faith:
God, give me a willing heart and a bold determination to step out in faith like never before. Help me to truly believe that since you are for me, none can stand against me. Infuse me with Holy Spirit courage to expect great things from you and attempt great things for you. With your help, today I will offer you risky trust, and let you do the rest.
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