William Shakespeare wrote, “Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won.” But faith calls you to step into the victory that God has already won on your behalf. You see, when you have the Lord in your life, you are never alone—you are not even in the minority. You plus God always equals a majority! Ask God to open your eyes to the spiritual realm around you, for there you will see that the Lord of hosts is fighting your battles for you. You are on the winning team, so you have no reason to doubt, nothing to fear! What are you battling today? The Lord has put all of heaven at your disposal; His ministering spirits will fight on your behalf, for the battle is the Lord’s!

A Simple Prayer for Spiritual Confidence:
God, open my eyes to the unseen realm. Help me to see that you are there. May I not to give into fear, but rather, may I step out in faith. Give me a glimpse into the supernatural realm where I can see that all of my battles belong to you, that you have assigned your ministering spirits to fight on my behalf. And may I face every enemy with renewed and unshakeable confidence that you. O Lord, have already granted me victory in each battle.
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