What a great promise: God will withhold no good thing from the one who does what is right. Every blessing, every provision, and every grace will freely flow from the treasury of heaven into the life of the person whose heart is full of integrity, whose ways are upright, and whose actions are pleasing to the Lord. Now that is not just an empty promise from a “prosperity preacher,” that is from God himself. Yes, what a promise!

A Simple Prayer for Every Good Thing:
God, release every divine promise that is mine by your design, held in heaven for fulfillment in my life, and cause them to become my reality. Just as Jabez of old prayed, so do I: bless me indeed! God, let your hand be with me and let your blessings reign down upon me. In every fiber of my being, empower me to do what is right—strengthening me to do your will, enabling me to love as you love, equipping my hands to touch people with your touch, and infusing my countenance with your glory so that people might see you as they look upon me. And yes, as I do what is right, release every good thing from your treasury into my life. Make me a living example of your desire to abundantly bless the life of the righteous.
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