Social Media: The New “Speaking Before You Think”

Making Life Work
Read: Proverbs 29
Focus: Proverbs 29:20

“There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking!”

Just a thought: Social media is the new “speaking before you think.” Unfortunately, Facebook, Twitter, texting, even email, et. al., removes the filters that face-to-face conversations impose. Rather than removing us to a safe distance so we can speak our minds, social media now removes us from that safe distance to where we can now say whatever is on our minds–which sometimes means we say thing that should or would never be said in an in-person conversation.

Proverbs 2:29 says, “There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking!” As those who truly desire to follow Christ, we must reject this new “speaking before you think” style of communication for what the Apostle Paul (and other Biblical writers) promoted: Thinking before we do anything else, either speaking or acting.  Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8,

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Stop and think before you speak…or write…or hit send! Think first, think early and think often!

My challenge to you today—and it’s not an easy one—is to begin a new habit of speaking only life-giving words to the people in your world, whether on social media or in person:

Think FirstAnd one of the practices you’ll need to develop is to stop and think before you speak. Put your mind in gear before you run off at the mouth! James 1:19 says, “Everyone should be quick to listen and slow to speak.”  If you’re quick to listen and you’re slow to speak, as James says, then you’ll be slow to use your words destructively.  Think first—if you are going to say something.  Employ the T.H.I.N.K. method:


T — Is it truthful?

H — Is it helpful?

I —Is it inspirational?

N — Is it necessary?

K — Is it kind?


Practice that this week. Death and life are in the power of your tongue, so think before you speak.

“A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.” (William Hazlitt)

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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