Read Psalm 111
Featured Verse: Psalm 111:2
“Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.”
When was the last time you took some time just to remember what God has done? Psalm 111: 4 says, “He has caused his wonders to be remembered.” In other words, built into the mighty acts of God is a reminder to remember the One who performed them.
God wants you, on a regular basis, to call up from your memory banks the things that he has done. He wants you to delight in his sovereign acts and stand in awe of the mighty works of his hand. God didn’t perform them only to have them written in the history books and then forgotten. They are to be pondered, delighted in and remembered so that his people will be inspired offer him ceaseless praise:
“To him belongs eternal praise.” (Psalm 111:10)
Before you leave this time of reflection on Psalm 111, perhaps you should take a moment to speak forth your delight in the great things God has done. The psalmist has even provided a wonderful template of praise just for you. For instance,
- You can reflect on his unimpeachable righteousness, which you personally enjoy as unconditionally imputed through Jesus’ death on the cross . (Psalm 111:3)
- You probably ought to include a verbal gratitude list for the gracious provision he has made for your daily needs. (Psalm 111:5)
- While you are thinking about that, thank him for staying true to his character and his promises. (Psalm 111:5)
- You might want to bask in the Divine power that has led to victories in your life. (Psalm 111:6)
- You could add your appreciation for his fair and just rule, too. (Psalm 111:7-8)
- And best of all, why not let the reality of your redemption cause you to be undone with love all over again. (Psalm 111:9)
I’m sure if you allow yourself some time to ponder anew the past acts of God on behalf of his people, and on your behalf, too, that nothing but good things will come from it. I can’t think of a downside to a session of praiseful pondering, can you?
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