One Year Bible: II Kings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:23-19:12; Psalm 146:1-10; Proverbs 18:2-3
Everlastingly Faithful
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.
(Psalm 146:5-6)
Here’s a biblical bottom line for you: God alone is faithful—no one else is!
That is why God alone is worthy of your praise (Psalm 146:1-2) and in him alone should you place your trust (Psalm 146:3-4). God alone will give you justice, provision, and freedom (Psalm 146:7), vision, hope and reward (Psalm 146:8), security and fairness (Psalm 146:9). That is why he reigns forever (Psalm 146:10); he alone is everlastingly faithful.
Who or what else can make that claim—and back it up?
What are you putting your hope in at this moment? The government? Your investments? The media? Your doctor? Science? Technology? The guarantee of the American dream? Not that any of those are inherently bad, but they are not God. They do not have unlimited power, foreknowledge of what the future holds, indisputable justice and complete moral clarity. Only the One who created all things, sustains the universe moment by moment, and holds tomorrow in his hands will be able to continually keep his eye on you (Psalm 33:18), provide you with everything necessary for life, health, happiness and peace (Acts 17:28, II Peter 1:3), shower you with his favor (Psalm 147:11) and fulfill his promise of your eternal life (Psalm 16:10, II Corinthians 5:1).
So put all your hope in God (Psalm 43:5) and you will never be put to shame (Psalm 25:3), nor will you be disappointed (Romans 5:5). Only he is everlastingly faithful.
“I have a better Caretaker than you and all the angels. He it is who lies
in a manger…but at the same time sits at the right hand of God,
the Father. Therefore be at rest.”
~Martin Luther
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