Then King Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost
persuade me to become a Christian.”
(Acts 26:28)
Food For Thought… Paul was on trial for his life. It wouldn’t be the last time, either. In this instance, he was holding forth before Governor Festus and King Arippa, giving an impassioned defense of his faith and the veracity of Christianity. Paul didn’t have much time, nor did he have a particularly friendly audience.
None of that really mattered to Paul. It didn’t matter if the conditions were perfect; in fact, they never really were. It didn’t matter if he was speaking before this majestic court or with the untold numbers of nameless folk he had met in his many travels. (Acts 26:22) It didn’t matter if he was able to stay in one city for many months to lay down his Christian theology, or if he just had a minute to proclaim the story of his conversion to a listening ear. Paul had a strategy: Wherever he was, no matter what his audience, whether big or small, friendly or hostile, Paul was going to get a word in for Jesus Christ. In this case, he made the appeal to King Agrippa to place his faith in Christ.
The conditions for sharing the Gospel were never perfect for Paul, but they were always right. And that is true for you and me as well. If we wait for the perfect circumstances before we are able to share our faith, we will be endlessly waiting. If, however, we will be ready at all times to get a good word in for Jesus Christ, like Paul, we will find opportunity aplenty.
Perhaps a good exercise for you would be to think through in detail your personal testimony of faith in Christ to the point where you could share it when the opportunity arises. It would also be good to get well acquainted with the plan of salvation, complete with Bible verses, so you can be ready to lead someone to faith at any time. There are many good pamphlets available to use as a resource, or even to keep with you for that special moment. My personal favorite is Billy Graham’s “Steps To Peace With God.” It is a simple, thorough and compelling explanation of how to receive Christ.
An equally helpful exercise would be to think through the “Cliff Notes” version of both your testimony and plan of salvation. What if you had just a minute to share? Could you do it? If you will be ready with the one-minute plan, you will suddenly find your available minutes have been generously increased.
Paul didn’t have much time in this case, but he was ready, and he got the job done. I trust that we will develop the same strategic mindset as Paul, and begin to look for opportunities every day to share the greatest story every told.
Even if we have just a minute!
Prayer… Lord, I want to be ready to share the reason for the hope I have in you—even if it is just a minute that presents itself. Help me to sharpen my testimony. Keep me ever mindful to look for open doors throughout my day. And give me the privilege to tell some person about you today.
One More Thing… “The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ.” —D.L. Moody
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