Perfect—And Getting Better

Read Hebrews 10:1-17

“For by that one offering he forever made perfect
those who are being made holy.”
(Hebrews 10:14)

Thoughts… Congratulations! You are perfect—and getting better every day!

Now if you’re like me, you don’t always feel that way. In fact, even on good days, I know I’m a long way from perfection. And if I ever think I’ve arrived at it, my family quickly reminds me that I have a ways to go.

Of course, I am talking about salvation. So was the writer of Hebrews. When we come to know Christ, we are perfected before the Father once and for all by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. This perfection is referring to our standing before Almighty God. And it is not based on our ability to be perfect, it is based on Christ’s perfection and his perfect sacrificial, atoning, substitutionary death on the cross.

Now it is important to note that the verse says we are not only “forever made perfect,” but we are also “being made holy.” The first refers to an act—the once for all sacrifice of Jesus. That act is an accomplished fact. The second refers to a process—the daily walk of faith, obedience to God, and mortification of our flesh. We are on a journey of holiness, because practical holiness never happens in a hurry; it takes a lifetime. So in a real sense, we are perfect, but we are being made perfect; we are holy, but we are being made holy.

So when the evidence of your life points to a reality other than perfection and holiness, just remember that God is not through with you yet. And whenever you don’t feel all that perfect, just remember that your perfection does not depend on your feelings, or even on your actions. It depends on the perfection of Jesus Christ. It rests on the perfection of his sacrificial death. As C.S. Lewis said, “Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods.”

And whether it be your feelings, your friends, your family, or the father of lies reminding you of your imperfections, just remind them that you have been made forever perfect in Jesus Christ.

If they have any argument with that, have them to take it to Jesus.

Prayer… Though undeserving, nevertheless I accept the work of perfection that you accomplished on my behalf when you died on the cross for my sins. I am perfect—forever! Now I pray that through the indwelling and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, that I will be made holy in my daily walk.

One More Thing… “The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.” — Alan Redpath

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