Only God Is King Forever!

Making Life Work
Read: Psalm 10
Focus: Psalm 10:16

The LORD is King for ever and ever; nations will perish from his land.”

It may not be this week, it may not happen this year, it may not take place in your lifetime, but there will be a divine payday—judgment—someday for the wicked!

At the proper time, human sinfulness and institutional evil will be called to account before the righteous God who has watched over every square inch of the earth with penetrating moral clarity every second since time began. That proper time may come sooner, or it may come later, but it will come for sure.

This calls for patient endurance on the part of God’s people, who prayerfully long for his “justice to roll down like waters in a mighty stream,” as the prophet Amos said. Like David in Psalm 10, we too, witness the perpetration of evil by those who have no regard for God and live as if there is no God (v.4), and we cry out, “Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (v. 1) Perhaps even more frustrating, we are overwhelmed by the evil systems of the world—governments, financial institutions, business, unions, academic bodies, boards and various other seats of power that are ruled by unassailable philosophies rather than identifiable human beings—as they continue to harass, oppress, cheat and destroy the defenseless.

But James 5:7-9 reminds us, “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. Don’t grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!”

God RulesThink about this: What wicked nation has remained in power for more than 500 years? None! What evil institution has stayed in business for more than 200 years? I challenge you to name one! What vile person has lived more than 120 years? The last I checked, the death rate for the wicked is hovering around 100%

My point is, they have all been brought low and have perished from the earth. But God remains! So rather than keeping my eyes on that which will fade before the eternal God, I am casting my lot with him.


“That which a man spits against heaven, shall fall back on his own face.” (Thomas Adams)


Making Life Work: The next time you are frustrated by some current evil in your world—an abusive boss, a bully at school, corporate executives who rake in millions while laying off workers, poverty in Africa, pollution of God’s green earth—do what you can to address it. Don’t let evil overwhelm you, but overcome it with good, as Paul says in Romans 12:21.

And even though much of the evil in your world will still remain after you have done all that you can do, remember, this evil, too, will perish from the earth.

Psalm 10: Payday—Someday!

Read Psalm 10


“The LORD is King for ever and ever; nations will perish from his land.”
Psalm 10:16

It may not be this week, it may not happen this year, it may not take place in your lifetime, but there will be a divine payday—judgment—someday for the wicked!

At the proper time, human sinfulness and institutional evil will be called to account before the righteous God who has watched over every square inch of the earth with penetrating moral clarity every second since creation. That proper time may come sooner, or it may come later, but it will come for sure.

This calls for patient endurance on the part of God’s people, who prayerfully long for his “justice to roll down like waters in a mighty stream,” as the prophet Amos said. Like David in Psalm 10, we too, witness the perpetration of evil by those who have no regard for God and live as if there is no God (v.4), and we cry out, “Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (v. 1)

But James 5:7-9 reminds us, “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. Don’t grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!”

Think about this: What wicked nation has remained in power for more than 500 years? None! What evil institution has stayed in business for more than 200 years? I challenge you to name one! What vile person has lived more than 120 years? The last I checked, the death rate for the wicked is hovering around 100%

My point is, they have all been brought low and have perished from the earth. But God remains! So rather than keeping my eyes on that which will fade before the eternal God, I am casting my lot with him.

The next time you are frustrated by some current evil in your world—an abusive boss, a bully at school, corporate executives who rake in millions while laying off workers, poverty in Africa, pollution of God’s green earth—do what you can to address it. Don’t let evil overwhelm you, but overcome it with good, as Paul says in Romans 12:21.

And even though much of the evil in your world will still remain after you have done all that you can do, remember, this evil, too, will perish from the earth.

“That which a man spits against heaven, shall fall back on his own face.”
—Thomas Adams

Transforming Troubles

James 1

“When troubles come your way, consider it
an opportunity for great joy.”
(James 1:2)

Thoughts… Benjamin Franklin said, “those things that hurt, instruct.” In review of the growth in your life, you have probably found that to be true, as I have. The best lessons in life have come from the things we wouldn’t have chosen for ourselves: failure on a test, the break-up of a romance, the loss of a job, the denial of a dream.

Of course, at every one of life’s speedbumps there is a choice either to get bitter or to get better. It all depends on our response to these difficulties. If we choose the better route of patiently and joyfully enduring our trials, here are a few of the God-ordained growth outcomes James mentions:

  • MaturityVerses 2-4: Patiently and redemptively enduring trials takes us through a cycle from pain to patience to perfection.
  • WisdomVerses 5-8: Painful trials always cause us to scratch our heads and seek guidance for a way forward. For the believer, this is always an opportunity to go to God—through prayer, by his Word, and through his people—to ask for wisdom. And God promises to give it in liberal amounts.
  • True RichesVerses 9-11: Trials have a way of reminding both poor and rich that wealth and material things are fleeting, but our relationship with God isn’t. When everything else fades from view, the true richness of belonging to God is all the more appreciated.
  • Eternal RewardVerses 12-15: Patience in suffering will be rewarded with the crown of life on the day we stand in eternity before God. This life will soon pass, and eternal life will begin. Enduring suffering for a season—even if it is an entire season of life—will seem like a blip on the radar a billion years into our eternal life. Bad things happen to me to produce good things in me so that eternal things can happen for me.
  • Sundry GiftsVerses 16-18: Redemptive suffering also has a way of helping us appreciate the variety of God’s gifts that we might otherwise have missed. We become much more sensitive to life, and thus, much more grateful to God.

Suffering is never much fun. No one in his or her right mind would purposely choose it. But when pain finds us, if we dedicate ourselves to going through it redemptively, the reward will be the joy of our spiritual transformation.

Lord, thank you for those things that I have suffered. They have hurt, but better yet, they have helped. They have instructed. They have transformed me. They have caused me to move closer to you. And you have stood by me through them all, sustaining and strengthening me. I am forever grateful.

One More Thing…
“Pain may indeed constitute God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world to surrender.” —C.S. Lewis