SYNOPSIS: Every time you look into the eyes of another person, you’re seeing a soul God so loves that He sent his Son to die for them. So if lost people matter to a missionary God that much, then crossing borders—the street, the railroad tracks, the ocean—to reach them with his love must become our driving mission as well. Now that will require the realignment of our priorities, it will take our focus, and it will demand our sacrifice, but it will be worth it because it will put us squarely on mission with God.

“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.”
So if getting more intensely missionary means getting closer to Jesus, and if getting closer to Jesus requires getting more intensely missionary, then sign me up!
How about you?
But that’s easier said than done. You see, if you’re like me, your fallen nature is self-centered. We focus on ourselves … we put our wants, our needs, our preferences ahead of everything else.
So being on mission with God requires the realignment of our priorities and sacrifice and focus. It requires fierce conviction that becomes our driving force for being fully on mission.
Bottom Line: Lost people matter to God, so they must matter to us, as well!
Click below to hear an inspiring story of a woman in East Africa who has given her live to take the Good News of Jesus to her own people.
I invite you to partner with me today to tell the whole world about Jesus, one unreached village at a time.
Did you know that when you partner with Petros Network it only costs $3600 to plant a thriving reproducing church in a difficult, hard-to-reach place through an indigenous missionary?
Check out the different ways you can give today and join me in being intensely missionary at
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