You Can’t Take It With You

5×5×5 Bible Plan

Read: Luke 12
Luke 12-15

“And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

Shift Your Focus… We don’t use words like covetousness or greed a whole lot these days, but we should. We Americans are a pretty greedy lot—me included. Our whole economic system is predicated on the hopes that you and I will grow dissatisfied with what we’ve got and go buy something newer, better, and bigger.

For instance, since Jesus told the story in Luke 12:16-20 about a man who thought his property was too small, let’s just take a look at our insatiable thirst for bigger homes. Did you know, according to the National Association of Home Builders, that the average home size in the United States was 1,400 square feet in 1970. In 2004, however, the average size had grown to 2,330 square feet. I have a feeling that it is even bigger than that now. My wife and I lived for a season of time in the Bay Area of California, where it was no big deal for homes to be 3,500 to 4,000—and larger.

It was a whole different picture when I was growing up. My mom, dad, three other siblings and a couple of family pets all lived comfortably in a home that was 1,200 square feet, if that. We shared bedrooms, bathrooms, clothes, didn’t have a garage to park our car in, and only one TV—with no remote control! We actually had to get up and walk across the room to change the channel, if you can imagine that.

And we didn’t think any thing of it. We didn’t feel poor or cheated or even realize what we didn’t have. We were content! We spent a whole lot more time together as a family. We ate together. We all drove together in the same car, even when we were teenagers—a family of six crammed into an AMC Gremlin! We were as happy as a clan of clams—we didn’t know what we didn’t know.

G.K Chesterton once said, “True contentment is a real, even active virtue—not only affirmative but creative. It is the power of getting out of any situation all there is in it.” I believe we had discovered that. We were content!

As a society, we Americans would do well to read Luke 12. It is a tough one, but what Jesus had to say about the deceitfulness of wealth, the debilitating worry over stuff, and our ultimate accountability before God for the stewardship of what we possess is much needed medicine for the greed that ails our society these days.

One day, sooner than you think, you will stand before God. None of the things you have collected during your earthly journey are going with you. As a pastor, I have performed more funerals than I can remember, and I have yet to see a U-Haul behind the hearse traveling to the cemetery. The only thing that will go with you into the next life that will do you any good is what you have done for God.

Jesus said of the rich man in the parable, “’Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

As the poet said, ‘Tis one life, will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

“If you cannot get what you like, why not try to like what you get?”

Prayer… Father, teach me to number my days aright that I may gain a heart of wisdom. Teach me to the discipline of contentment and gratitude.  Free me from the slavery of stuff. Fill me with the joy of just knowing you—which is more than enough for an eternity’s worth of happiness.