Bible Reading Plan 2017

ThanksLiving: 365 Days of Gratitude

I am dedicating myself in 2017 to 365 days of ThanksLiving. And one of the tools I’m adopting to get me there is a Bible Reading program along with a devotional blog in which I will post daily expressions of gratitude for what I have read that day in God’s Word. Yep, with God’s help, 365 of them!  I hope you’ll join me.

Going Deep // Focus: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

When I was growing up in a small Southern Oregon town, the kids on my block would regularly gather in the street in front of my house. There we would play some of the best football games on the planet—better than even the Super Bowl! Street football—skinned knees, bruised elbows, bragging rights (at least for that day) and tons of fun! Man, there was nothing like it!

The favorite play called in the huddle, was, of course, “go deep!” Forget about short yardage running plays or screen passes, we wanted the glory, paydirt, “tud!” — our name for a touchdown So just about every play was “go deep!” I’m telling you, that’s the way football at every level ought to be played.

I want to go deep this year in God, don’t you? I don’t want to splash around in the shallows or wade around in the wimpy water near the shore, I want to get into the depths of God like never before. Do you want to join me?

If you do, then I know of no greater practice for going deep with God than through the daily practice of Bible study—reading, meditating, journaling, and praying the Scriptures. That spiritual practice will contribute to your growth as a believer and your entrance into the deep things of God like nothing else. It’s as simple as that.

If you want to mature in your faith, morph into greater Christlikeness, deepen your knowledge of God, insulate your life from sin, enlarge your Kingdom effectiveness, increase your spiritual power, develop life skills for the daily challenges you face, and live in the blessing zone of God’s favor, you’ve got to be in God’s Holy Word on a regular, if not daily, basis.

I hope that you will join me in 2017 as we “go deep” in God through the daily reading of his Word. To help us along the way, I have provided a reading plan that was developed by the 18th century Scottish preacher Robert Murray M’Cheyne that will take us through the Old Testament once and twice through the New Testament and Psalms this year.

And just a note about the content of my blog over the next 12 months: The brief devotional postings will on the theme of ThanksLiving. From every reading in the first 365 entries of the Old Testament part of M’Cheyne’s plan, I will declare something for which I am thankful. I hope you will join me in this year of ThanksLiving—either coming up with your own reasons for gratitude or simply entering into mine, since they are universal blessings for all who follow Christ.

Finally, let me just assure you that there is no greater act of faith, obedience and yes, even worship, than to devote yourself to “rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

Go Deep With God: Get ready to enjoy the blessings of divinely ordered success and prosperity as you read, absorb and obey God’s Word this year. Joshua 1:8 promises, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Being With Jesus

Being With Jesus:
John 17:3

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

More than anything, we were created for an intimate relationship with God. Now there are certainly other things that will please God and bring glory to him through our lives, but nothing is more honoring to the Creator than to walk in a close, personal and loving relationship with him.

According to the Bible, the only way that gets expressed is by knowing Jesus: by being in an all-consuming, life-altering journey that comes from persistently hanging out with Jesus as his devotee. In fact, the Apostle John, the one who knew and loved Jesus as much as any human being ever, said this was, in itself, eternal life.

Acts 4:13 shows us the inevitable outcome of being in that kind of intimate, persistent, loving relationship: “When the Jewish council saw Peter and John’s courage and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”

Peter and John had simply “been with Jesus” until they looked and acted increasingly like him—they had assumed his mindset, absorbed his characteristics and expressed his behavior. They had hung out so closely in such an intense way with Jesus that they had absorbed him to the point of now exuding him without even thinking about it. They had not only been transformed through their relationship, they had been conformed to that relationship! They had been changed by Christ.  But changed into what?  Into “little Christs”!

That is what you and I were created to experience: A relationship with Jesus whereby his life gets transmitted to us, and through us, so that we begin to transmit the infectious DNA of Jesus Christ.

You may not have a religious pedigree or be well-versed in theology. You may not be naturally winsome, or articulate, or even all that likeable. Your “cool factor” may be pretty much non-existent. Maybe you lack more than you have. That doesn’t matter! What you do have trumps all you don’t have: You have every possibility that Peter and John had to “be with Jesus”.

That is the greatest goal you can have—that at the end of the day, the only thing people can do with you is to take note that you have been with Jesus. They may not like you or be impressed with you and they may wish you would just go away. But when it is all said and done, all they can do with you is to admit, “obviously, you have been hanging with Jesus!”

Make that your goal today. And then start hanging with Jesus. Pure and simple—that is eternal life!

You were made for that! The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:29, “From the beginning God decided that those who came to Him should become like His Son.” That is God’s inexorable plan: to make you like Jesus! He is orchestrating everything in your life right now for that purpose—circumstances, disappointments, temptations, opportunities, blessings. At this very moment, God is leveraging heaven’s resources to conform your character to Christ’s. That ought to give you confidence. As A.W. Tozer noted, “When I understand that everything happening to me is to make me more Christlike, it resolves a great deal of anxiety.”

So your journey into Christlikeness is not all up to you! God is rearranging heaven and moving earth to give you opportunity to be with Jesus—and to become like Jesus.

Yet divine transformation needs human collaboration. In a way, being with Jesus is on you! It is not just a mindset or a good intention. It is an intentional posture. As much as anything, to get intentional with your growth toward Christlikeness will require of you the daily practice of being with Jesus.

Divine transformation requires human collaboration!

I would simply suggest that each day—and throughout the day—you literally invite Jesus to join you in what is in front of you. Literally ask Jesus, “How would you handle this situation? What do you think about this opportunity? What should I do about this challenge? How would you respond to this person?” Just practice being with Jesus in the ordinary moments of your daily life.

To get practical with this, think about it this way: If you were to literally spend time with Jesus, what three attributes, attitudes and or actions would you witness in him?

For me, when I think of what Jesus would be doing in any of his ordinary days, one, he would be unbendingly truthful yet incredibly gracious with people; two, he would serve people—especially those we would consider the least worthy of his service; and three, even when he was treated unfairly, he would never retaliate; he would only offer love and grace in return.

Gracious, serving, forgiving—there are thousands of descriptives I could come up with—you too. So take a moment and write down the first three qualities of Jesus that come to your mind. Then your assignment this week will be to intentionally hang out with Jesus, consciously and consistently doing those three things you believe Jesus would do. Give that your best shot, and most likely, you will look a little more like Christ by this time next week!

And maybe people will take note that you have been with Jesus.

“‘Putting on Christ’…is not one among many jobs a Christian has to do; and it is not a sort of special exercise for the top class. It is the whole of Christianity. Christianity offers nothing else at all.” (C.S. Lewis)

Getting To Know Jesus: There are some spiritual disciplines that are obvious and essential to being with and becoming like Jesus: Consistent quiet times, Bible reading, Scripture memory, prayer, church attend-ance. I can’t encourage you enough to commit to those spiritual routines! One of the things I will be doing in 2015—and I would like to invite you to join me—is to read through the writings of the Apostle John, the one who knew and loved Jesus as much as anyone. So start with me on January 1 in the Gospel of John, and let the journey toward Christlikeness begin. Here is the link to the Bible reading plan I will be using. Enjoy the journey!

Bible Reading Plan 2013: 5×5×5

Shift Your Focus

Memorize: Hebrews 4:12-13

God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what.

Discipleship is a relational journey—a daily walk with Jesus empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit—taking us more deeply into a love relationship with our Heavenly Father, an increasing likeness, in sum and substance, to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and a more compassionate and practical concern for our fellow man,

It is also an intentional and strategic activity on our part.  There are certain things that disciples actively do to grow—it doesn’t just happen passively. And nothing is more vital to a growing discipleship than reading and reflecting on the Word of God in a deliberate and consistent way.

I hope you have a plan for your own personal journey for 2013 as a disciple of Jesus.  I do…as does the fellowship where I serve as lead pastor.  I want to invite you to adopt the plan that I will use this year—it’s called the 5 × 5 × 5 Bible Reading Plan, a systematic way to read through the New Testament—and join me in this exciting journey of growth. There is nothing more powerful than reading, absorbing and living out the Word of God. It’s what disciples do!

Below is the link that explains this simple but creative plan:

Or you can go directly to the pdf. version and look at the daily schedule for reading:

Or if you prefer to have the plan show up in your inbox or on your mobile device each day, sign up here:

Lastly, I plan to blog on each of the readings in this New Testament plan this year.  It would be my privilege to have you hear what the Spirit is prompting in me as I interact as a disciple of Jesus with his Word each day. And I would love to hear back from you on how you are being challenged and helped as you read these same passages.  Please feel free to comment on the blog page from time to time.  Your input will be a blessing!

I am stoked about my walk with Jesus in 2013. I know you are, too!  With the ever-present help of the Holy Spirit and a few intentional practices on our part, like daily Bible reading, we can expect to look a little (hopefully a lot) more like Jesus by the end of next year.

Happy New Year!  May God perfect everything that concerns you in 2013.

“No man is uneducated who knows the Bible, and no one is wise who is ignorant of its teachings. Bible reading is that critical to your very life!” ~Samuel Chadwick