
There is nothing I enjoy more than when you interact with me on my blog. I appreciate getting your opinion and contributions in my daily meditations and your help in creating an online community.

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5 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Pastor Ray:

    Matthew 6 is what I would term the 'humbling' chapter, for I am to do all things without expected recognition, and actually as privately as possible.

    Your sermon yesterday aptly meshes with Matthew 6 as we are to use the cards for acts of kindness (not random…..hate that word as you stated…!!) so that others may take our example and spread this humbling act throughtout God's Kingdom.

    The final segment of Matthew reminds us, and I do need to be constantly reminded, to cast our care upon the Lord, and not worry about today, tomorrow or yesterday, for they all carry enough without my heaping more worries. That is a fine balance for my Type A, task-oriented personality to take things under my own control, get things, done, make things happen, and fret if I do not accomplish that. So, I must keep Matthew 6 ever in mind and ask God to help me give all of my cares to Him.

    Your sermon yesterday, as always, was great. I shared with my Mother what you had to say, the cards we were handed, and she was appreciative of that sharing. Iven Wheeler gave me 4 cards to give to Mother for her to hand out at her Assisted Living facility, and she liked that. Mother asked how she might use the cards at her place, with the other residents, so I had a couple of ideas, and told her I would think on it some more. She laughed at your comment 'not' to be so generous as to use the card and concept to purchase someone's gas, at today's prices.

    So, your words from yesterday and the principles will be making their way through the Senior facility of Villa San Ramon, for those precious people to find ways to spread acts of kindness.

    Have a blessed day.


  2. We may never really know what our strategic acts of kindness may accomplish in this life…only eternity will tell. But I am anxious to hear about the effects these good deeds will have on us who do them in the grace and love of Christ. I have a notion that they will be truly transformational!

  3. Today’s blog is the very scripture I live by. If you think about this man Peter, a man of God, he did not have the “victim” mentality. When I have people in my life who struggle with where they are at, but are doing nothing, I love to reference that Peter did not sit on the shore and wait. He did something; even if it was mundane hard work he moved and did and was clearly following after Christ. And God blessed him beyond measure. I often think it’s God’s way of testing our very hearts to trust that he truly wants to bless us. We just have to be patient and keep throwing down those nets. Keep moving, keep working towards something. Thanks for the fresh insight today.

  4. You are right–Peter was a man of faith-in-action, to a fault. In another episode, he walked on water to meet Jesus, but promptly sank. Yet what we may miss in that story is that at least he got out of the boat–while the other 11 sat glued to their seats. Perhaps his active faith is why Peter is remembered as one of the greatest of the disciples.

  5. Pastor Ray,

    I don't have a comment about a specific blog, however I wanted to comment on your blogs in general. I wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to write these. I start each and every day by sitting down at my computer with my coffee, and the first thing I insist on reading is your blog. It is so nice to have these "mini-sermons" on a daily basis to get me through each week.

    We sure miss you at VCC in Dublin!

    Kind regards,
