God, Make Me a Conduit of Compassion

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Karl Menninger, founder of the famous psychiatric clinic in Topeka, Kansas that bears his name, was once asked, “What would you do if you thought you were suffering a mental illness?” Without hesitation, he said, “I’d go out and find someone less fortunate than me, and serve them.” The truth is, serving somebody else, especially if they are worse off than you, is one of the most self-healing things you can do. When you are going through your own hardship, whatever that may be—sickness, loss, disappointment, depression—God’s therapy is to find those who cannot help themselves, who cannot repay your kindness, and minister his love to them.

A Simple Prayer for God’s Compassion to Flow Through Me:

God, how many people will I come across today who desperately need your loving touch? Help me to see beyond my own needs to their need of you. Reveal those to whom you want me to be your hand extended. Give me just the right words to say to lift their spirit. Give me just the right actions that will remind them of how much you truly care about their lives. Fill me with your compassion, and make me to be Jesus to those who will only experience you through me.

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