God, Let No Sin Rule Over Me

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

Methodist bishop and circuit rider Francis Asbury offered this heartfelt prayer during his ministry days in the late 1700’s: “My God, keep me through the water and fire, and let me rather die than live to sin against thee!” That is still a great prayer for you and me in the twenty-first century. What greater desire than to love God so much and to have such gratitude in our hearts for what he has done for us that the possibility of sinning against him would simply be the worst thing we could think of. May God give us a heart like that, and answer every prayer like that.

A Simple Prayer for Moral Purity:

God, keep me in your loving hands through times of trial and the testing of my faith, but also keep me pure and true through seasons of success, fortune and fame. And at all times, let me rather die than live to sin against you!

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